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当表和列存在时,uCanAccess为什么无法执行错误为“user loaks privilege or object not found”的查询?

  •  1
  • Agi Hammerthief  · 技术社区  · 6 年前


    ControllerID: Number (Long Integer), Default 0, Indexed (Y, no Duplicated)
    ReaderID: Number (Long Integer), Default 0, Indexed (Y, No Duplicates)
    ControllerID: Number (Long Integer), Default 0, Indexed (Y, No Duplicates)
    Description: Short Text (32)
    Name: Short Text (32)
    ReaderID: Number (Long Integer), Default 0, Indexed (Y, No Duplicates)
    Direction: Number (Long Integer)
    Description: Short Text (32)
    Name: Short Text (32)

    this answer to a question about table metadata :

    /* Use the metadata to check if a table exists and has a specific column */
      public static boolean tableHasColumn(Connection con, String tableName, String colName)
        throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException,
        boolean exists = false, hasCol = false;
        ResultSet rs = null, r = null;
        Statement s = null;
        try {
          DatabaseMetaData dbm = con.getMetaData();
          rs = dbm.getTables(null, null, tableName, null);
          if (rs.next() && rs.getRow() > -1) {
            exists = true;
            s = con.createStatement();
            r = s.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " LIMIT 1");
            if (r.next()) {
              ResultSetMetaData rsmd = r.getMetaData();
              for (int col = 1; col < rsmd.getColumnCount(); col++) {
                String name = rsmd.getColumnName(col);
                logger.debug("Found column \"" + name + "\" in \"" + tableName + "\".");
                if (name.equals(colName)) {
                  hasCol = true;
        } finally {
          if (null != rs) {
            try {
            } catch (SQLException ex) {
                "Failed to close Resultset to DB while checking if table exists!"
          "Table (" + tableName + ") Exists: " + String.valueOf(exists).toUpperCase()
          + "\tHas Column (" + colName + "): " + String.valueOf(hasCol).toUpperCase()
        return (exists && hasCol);

    提供价值 "Controllers_Readers" "ControllerID" 对于 tableName colName true . 但是,当我运行下面的查询时,我得到一个错误消息 org.hsqldb.HsqlException: user lacks privilege or object not found: CONTROLLERS_READERS.CONTROLLERID :

    SELECT C.Description AS cName, C.ControllerID AS CID,
      D.DirectionText as dName, D.Direction AS dirNum, R.Description AS rName,
      R.ReaderID AS RID, AP.Name AS aName, AP.Description as aDescrip, AP.PointID
    FROM Controllers AS C, Controllers_Readers AS CR, Readers AS R,
      Directions AS D, AccessPoints AS AP, Points_Controllers as PC
    WHERE Controllers_Readers.ControllerID = Controllers.ControllerID 
      AND Readers.ReaderID = Controllers_Readers.ReaderID
      AND Directions.Direction = Readers.Direction AND 
      Points_Controllers.ControllerID = Controllers.ControllerID
      AND AccessPoints.PointID = Points_Controllers.PointID
    GROUP BY Controllers.Description, Controllers.ControllerID, 
      Directions.DirectionText, Directions.Direction, Readers.Name, 
      Readers.Description, Readers.ReaderID,  AccessPoints.Name, 
      AccessPoints.Description, AccessPoints.PointID 
    ORDER BY Controllers.Description, Controllers.ControllerID, 
      Directions.DirectionText, Directions.Direction, Readers.Name, 
      Readers.Description, Readers.ReaderID,  AccessPoints.Name,
      AccessPoints.Description, AccessPoints.PointID

    2018-08-30 14:24:35 [DEBUG] db.Locations:35 - Location: LOCAL   DB Path: \\sentinel.domain\TempStorage\Me\dbs\Redacted.mdb
    2018-08-30 14:24:35 [DEBUG] db.Digger:767 - Connect to DB on path: \\sentinel.domain\TempStorage\Me\dbs\Redacted.mdb
    2018-08-30 14:24:35 [INFO ] db.Digger:790 - Connecting to jdbc:ucanaccess:////sentinel.domain/TempStorage/Me/dbs//Redacted.mdb;openExclusive=false;concatNulls=false;ignoreCase=true
    2018-08-30 14:24:37 [DEBUG] impl.DatabaseImpl:887 - Finished reading system catalog.  Tables: [AccessNumbers, AccessNumbers_Controllers, AccessNumbers_Groups, AccessNumbers_Readers, AccessPoints, Areas, Areas_Controllers, Areas_Points, Areas_Timezones, Controllers, Controllers_Expanders, Controllers_Readers, Directions, Events, Expanders_Readers, Groups, Groups_Areas, Groups_Controllers, Groups_Timezones, Holidays, Points_Controllers, Points_Readers, Points_Timezones, ReaderExpanders, Readers, SelectedAreas, SelectedDates, Sites, Sites_Areas, Status, Storage, Timezones, Transactions, UserInformation, Users] (Db=Redacted.mdb)
    2018-08-30 14:25:10 [DEBUG] db.Digger:884 - Found column "ControllerID" in "Controllers_Readers".
    2018-08-30 14:25:10 [DEBUG] db.Digger:901 - Table (Controllers_Readers) Exists: TRUE    Has Column: TRUE
    2018-08-30 14:25:10 [ERROR] db.Digger:1180 - [UcanaccessSQLException]: UCAExc:::4.0.2 user lacks privilege or object not found: CONTROLLERS_READERS.CONTROLLERID
        net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessSQLException: UCAExc:::4.0.2 user lacks privilege or object not found: CONTROLLERS_READERS.CONTROLLERID
        at net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessStatement.executeQuery(UcanaccessStatement.java:210)
        at db.Digger.loadAllControllerReaders(Digger.java:947)
        at db.Digger.main(Digger.java:1177)
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: user lacks privilege or object not found: CONTROLLERS_READERS.CONTROLLERID
        at org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCUtil.sqlException(Unknown Source)
        at org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCUtil.sqlException(Unknown Source)
        at org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCStatement.fetchResult(Unknown Source)
        at org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCStatement.executeQuery(Unknown Source)
        at net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessStatement.executeQuery(UcanaccessStatement.java:208)
        ... 2 more
    Caused by: org.hsqldb.HsqlException: user lacks privilege or object not found: CONTROLLERS_READERS.CONTROLLERID
        at org.hsqldb.error.Error.error(Unknown Source)
        at org.hsqldb.error.Error.error(Unknown Source)
        at org.hsqldb.ExpressionColumn.checkColumnsResolved(Unknown Source)
        at org.hsqldb.QueryExpression.resolve(Unknown Source)
        at org.hsqldb.ParserDQL.compileCursorSpecification(Unknown Source)
        at org.hsqldb.ParserCommand.compilePart(Unknown Source)
        at org.hsqldb.ParserCommand.compileStatements(Unknown Source)
        at org.hsqldb.Session.executeDirectStatement(Unknown Source)
        at org.hsqldb.Session.execute(Unknown Source)

    注: db.Digger db.Locations loadAllControllerReaders 是执行SQL查询的方法。

    通过MS-Access(office365)对DB运行相同的查询会得到一个列中有值的结果集。为什么uCanAccess/HSQLDB不能做同样的事情(找不到 ControllerID 中的列 Controllers_Readers )? 如何让它识别表中存在该列?

    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
  •  2
  •   Gord Thompson    6 年前


    ... FROM Controllers AS C, Controllers_Readers AS CR, ...


    ... WHERE Controllers_Readers.ControllerID = Controllers.ControllerID ...


    Statement st = conn.createStatement();
    st.execute("INSERT INTO MY_TABLE (ID, DT) VALUES (1, '2018-12-23 00:11:22')");
    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT X.DT FROM MY_TABLE AS X WHERE MY_TABLE.ID=1");


    java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: user lacks privilege or object not found: MY_TABLE.ID
    Caused by: org.hsqldb.HsqlException: user lacks privilege or object not found: MY_TABLE.ID

    您还需要在其余子句(WHERE、GROUP BY、ORDER BY)中使用适当的别名。