SO Question
. 我的剧本如下:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spRegressionPeak]
@StudyID int
Declare @sStudyID VARCHAR(50)
Set @sStudyID = CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),@StudyID)
--We are selecting the distinct StudyID, Productnumber, ResponseID and mean
values 1 thorugh 6 from the CodeMeans table.
--Note that spCodeMeans must be run before running this stored procedure to
ensure response data exists in the CodeMeans table.
--We use IsNull values to pass zeroes where an average wasn't calculated os that
the polynomial regression can be calculated.
c.StudyID, c.RespID, c.LikingOrder, avg(isnull(C1,0)) as C1, avg(isnull(C2,0)) as C2, avg(isnull(C3,0)) as C3, avg(isnull(C4,0)) as C4,
avg(isnull(C5,0)) as C5, avg(isnull(C6,0)) as C6, avg(isnull(C7,0)) as C7, avg(isnull(C8,0)) as C8, avg(isnull(C9,0)) as C9,
avg(isnull(C10,0)) as C10, avg(isnull(C11,0)) as C11, avg(isnull(C12,0)) as C12, avg(isnull(C13,0)) as C13, avg(isnull(C14,0)) as C14,
avg(isnull(C15,0)) as C15, avg(isnull(C16,0)) as C16, avg(isnull(C17,0)) as C17, avg(isnull(C18,0)) as C18, avg(isnull(C19,0)) as C19
from ClosedStudyResponses c
where c.StudyID = @StudyID
group by StudyID, RespID, LikingOrder
order by RespID
--We are setting @inquery aka InputDataSet to be our initial dataset.
--R Services requires that a data.frame be passed to any calculations being
generated. As such, df is simply data framing the @inquery data.
--The res object holds the polynomial regression results by RespondentID and
LikingOrder for each of the averages in the @inquery resultset.
EXEC sp_execute_external_script @language = N'R'
, @script = N'
library(tidyr, broom)
studymeans <- InputDataSet
df <- data.frame(studymeans)
lin.mod.1 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C1,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.2 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C2,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.3 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C3,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.4 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C4,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.5 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C5,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.6 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C6,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.7 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C7,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.8 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C8,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.9 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C9,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.10 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C10,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.11 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C11,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.12 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C12,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.13 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C13,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.14 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C14,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.15 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C15,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.16 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C16,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.17 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C17,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.18 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C18,3, raw=TRUE))
lin.mod.19 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ poly(df$C19,3, raw=TRUE))
lst <- lapply(ls(pattern="lin.mod"), get)
allmodels <- lapply(lst, summary)
res <- broom::tidy(allmodels)
, @input_data_1 = @inquery
, @output_data_1_name = N'res'
, @params = N'@StudyID int'
,@StudyID = @StudyID
--- Edit this line to handle the output data frame.
--WITH RESULT SETS ((StudyID int, RespID int, LikingOrder int, NewColumn int,
res varchar(max)));
Error in setNames(data.frame(data), value.name) :
'names' attribute [1] must be the same length as the vector [0]
Calls: source ... <Anonymous> -> <Anonymous> -> melt.default -> setNames
In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first