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  • Kev Luxem  · 技术社区  · 7 年前

    两个或没有子项)。 代码将用C++实现。我可以用手实现我的树,但正如我所拥有的

    让我们开始解释我在做什么: 我从图形合并过程中得到我的树。我根据代价函数将两个节点合并到一个图中。的标签 较大的节点将是合并节点的标签(我的图节点具有空间大小)。 最后得到一个向量,其中包含合并的节点 和新节点的剩余标签(注意,剩余标签基于节点大小和 与票据编号无关)。向量中的最后两个条目是合并在一起的第一个节点。下一个 较高的条目是合并节点的剩余标签。按此顺序继续,直到只有根节点(第一个条目)

    第一个问题是,我的图有不同数量的节点。所以我的 合并过程中的树具有不同的大小,即我的向量具有不同的大小。


    27| root    (0)--> root (27 and 33 are merged, remaining label is 27)
    33| right   (1)     
    27| left    (2)
    27| subroot (3)--> t1   (3 and 27 are merged, remaining label is 27)
    27| right   (4)
    3 | left    (5)
    27| subroot (6) --> t2  (10 and 27 are merged, remaining label is 27)
    27| right   (7)
    10| left    (8)
    27| subroot (9) --> t3  (17 and 27 are merged, remaining label is 27)
    27| right   (10)
    17| left    (11)
    33| subroot (12)--> t4  (31 and 33 are merged, remaining label is 33)
    33| right   (13)
    31| left    (14)

               /    \
           27(t1)   33(t4)
          /   \     /   \
         3  27(t2) 31    33
            /   \ 
          10   27(t3)
                / \
              17   27



    • t1始终连接到根


    我的想法是通过给定树大小的开关盒来创建这些树。 不幸的是,在这些情况下,我最终得到了很多if语句以及更高的 案件几乎不再可管理。


    PseudoCode: (Note that for building the tree the first insert is the left node and the second is the right node)
            case 3: root = vector[0];   //represents root node
                    t1 = vector[3];     //represents t1
                    t2 = vector[6];     //represents t2
                    t3 = vector[9];     //represents t3
                    // create node t3 
                    t3->insert(vector[11]); t3->insert(vector[10]);
                    // create node t2
                    if (t3 == vector[8]) {t2->addChild(t3); t2->insert(vector[7]);} 
                    if (t3 == vector[7]) {t2->insert(vector[8]); t2->addChild(t3);} 
                    else {t2->insert(vector[8]); t2->insert(vector[7]);}            
                    // create node t1
                    if (t3 == vector[5] && t2 != vector[4]) {t1->addChild(t3); t2->insert(vector[4]);} 
                    if (t3 == vector[4] && t2 != vector[5]) {t1->insert(vector[5]); t1->addChild(t3);}
                    if (t2 == vector[5] && t3 != vector[4]) {t1->addChild(t2); t1->insert(vector[4]);}
                    if (t2 == vector[4] && t3 != vector[5]) {t1->insert(vector[5]); t1->addChild(t2);}
                    if (t3 == vector[5] && t2 == vector[4]) { t1->addChild(t3); t1->addChild(t2);}
                    if (t2 == vector[5] && t3 == vector[4]) { t1->addChild(t2); t1->addChild(t3);}
                    else {t1->insert(vector[5]); t1->insert(vector[4]);}
                    // create root (Note that t1 is always connected to the root)
                    if (t3 == vector[2]) {root->addChild(t3); root->addChild(t1);}
                    if (t2 == vector[2]) {root->addChild(t2); root->addChild(t1);}
                    if (t3 == vector[1]) {root->addChild(t1); root->addChild(t3);}
                    if (t2 == vector[1]) {root->addChild(t1); root->addChild(t2);}
                    if (t1 == vector[2] && (t3 && t2) != vector[1]) {root->addChild(t1); root->insert(vector[1]);
                    if (t1 == vector[1] && (t3 && t2) != vector[2]) {root->insert(vector[2]); root->addChild(t1);}
            case 4: root = vector[0];   //represents the root node
                    t1 = vector[3];     //represents t1
                    t2 = vector[6];     //represents t2
                    t3 = vector[9];     //represents t3
                    t4 = vector[12];    //represents t4
                    // create t4
                    t4->insert(vector[14]); t3->insert(vector[13]);
                    // create t3
                    if (t4 == vector[11]) {t3->addChild(t4); t3->insert(vector[10]);}
                    if (t4 == vector[10]) {t3->insert(vector[11]); t3->addChild(t4);}
                    else {t3->insert(vector[11]); t3->insert(vector[10]);}
                    // create t2
                    if (t4 == vector[8] && t3 != vector[7]) {t2->addChild(t4); t2->insert(vector[7]);}
                    if (t4 == vector[7] && t3 != vector[8]) {t2->insert(vector[8]); t2->addChild(t4);} 
                    if (t3 == vector[8] && t4 != vector[7]) {t2->addChild(t3); t2->insert(vector[7]);}
                    if (t3 == vector[7] && t4 != vector[8]) {t2->insert(vector[8]); t2->addChild(t3);}
                    if (t4 == vector[8] && t3 == vector[7]) {t2->addChild(t4); t2->addChild(t3);}
                    if (t3 == vector[8] && t4 == vector[7]) {t2->addChild(t3); t2->addChild(t4);}
                    else {t2->insert(vector[8]); t2->insert(vector[7]);}
                    // create t1
                    if (t4 == vector[5] && t3 != vector[4] && t2 != vector[4]) {t1->addChild(t4); t1->insert(vector[4]);}
                    if (t4 == vector[4] && t3 != vector[5] && t2 != vector[5]) {t1->insert(vector[5]); t1->addChild(t4);} 
                    if (t3 == vector[5] && t4 != vector[4] && t2 != vector[4]) {t1->addChild(t3); t1->insert(vector[4]);}
                    if (t3 == vector[4] && t4 != vector[5] && t2 != vector[5]) {t1->insert(vector[5]); t1->addChild(t3);}
                    if (t2 == vector[5] && t4 != vector[4] && t3 != vector[4]) {t1->addChild(t5); t1->insert(vector[4]);}
                    if (t2 == vector[4] && t4 != vector[5] && t3 != vector[5]) {t1->insert(vector[5]); t1->addChild(t2);}
                    if (t4 == vector[5] && t3 == vector[4]) {t1->addChild(t4); t1->addChild(t3);}
                    if (t4 == vector[5] && t2 == vector[4]) {t1->addChild(t4); t1->addChild(t2);}
                    if (t3 == vector[5] && t2 == vector[4]) {t1->addChild(t3); t1->addChild(t2);}
                    if (t3 == vector[5] && t4 == vector[4]) {t1->addChild(t3); t1->addChild(t4);}
                    if (t2 == vector[5] && t3 == vector[4]) {t1->addChild(t2); t1->addChild(t3);}
                    if (t2 == vector[5] && t4 == vector[4]) {t1->addChild(t2); t1->addChild(t4);}
                    // create root (Note that t1 is always connected to the root)
                    if (t4 == vector[2]) {root->addChild(t4); root->addChild(t1);}
                    if (t3 == vector[2]) {root->addChild(t3); root->addChild(t1);}
                    if (t2 == vector[2]) {root->addChild(t2); root->addChild(t1);}
                    if (t4 == vector[1]) {root->addChild(t1); root->addChild(t4);}
                    if (t3 == vector[1]) {root->addChild(t1); root->addChild(t3);}
                    if (t2 == vector[1]) {root->addChild(t1); root->addChild(t2);}
                    if (t1 == vector[2] && (t4 && t3 && t2) != vector[1]) {root->addChild(t1); root->insert(vector[1]);}
                    if (t1 == vector[1] && (t4 && t3 && t2) != vector[2]) {root->insert(vector[2]); root->addChild(t1);}
            case 5: .....

    所以我总是要检查左或右节点是否可能是到的连接 其中一个子轨道。这实际上导致了所有这些if语句。

    我现在的问题是:你知道如何以更好的方式甚至完全不同的方式实现这个算法吗? 关于这一点的任何建议都是有益的。



    enter image description here

    我合并两个节点的代价函数是C=Node\u A+Node\u B/edgewight。




    (Note that the first two nodes which merges are the last two entries)
    6   --> root                                   root
    22                                              6
    6                                             /   \
    6   --> t1                                 6(t1)   22
    9                                          /    \           
    6                                        6(t2)   9
    6   --> t2                              /   \
    24                                    6(t4)  24(t3)
    6                                    /   \   /  \
    24  --> t3                          6    12 24   31
    6   --> t4


    1 回复  |  直到 7 年前
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  •   Kev Luxem    7 年前



    struct snode { 
            unsigned int label;
            std::deque<snode*> children;
            snode(const unsigned int& l)                   //! allocates leaf with label l.
                    : label(l), children() { }
            snode(const snode& n)
                    : label(n.label), children()
                    { for (const auto& c : n.children)
                            children.push_back(new snode(*c)); }
                    { for (const auto& c : children) delete c; }
            const std::deque<snode*>& getChildren() const   //! returns children of this node.
                    { return children; }
            unsigned int getLabel() const                   //! returns label of this node.
                    { return label; }
            bool    isLeaf() const                          //! returns true if node is a leaf.
                    { return children.empty(); }
            snode&  insert(const snode& n, const bool before = false)   //! adds child n at the beginning or end of list.
                    { if (before) children.push_front(new snode(n));
                      else children.push_back(new snode(n));
                      return *this; }

    // create a vector to save merging list 
    static uvec treeList()
    {   FILE* fp = openFile("mergedlist", "r");
        uvec treelist; unsigned int i = 0;                  
        while ((fscanf(fp, "%d", &i)) != EOF) {                 
            treelist.push_back(i); }                    
        return treelist;
    // create a vector to save basin list
    static uvec leafList()
    {   FILE* fpp = openFile("leaflist", "r");
        uvec leaflist; unsigned int i = 0;                  
        while ((fscanf(fpp, "%d", &i)) != EOF) {                    
            leaflist.push_back(i); }                        
        return leaflist;


    static snode* growTree(const uvec& treelist, const uvec& leaflist)
    {   std::map<unsigned int,snode*> vn;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < leaflist.size(); i++) {    // Loop over all leaves
            unsigned int leaf = leaflist[i];
            vn[leaf] = new snode(leaf); }                   // save leaf nodes and allocate snode
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < treelist.size();) {    // Loop through all treelist elements
            unsigned int mNode = treelist[j];               // save the current merged node (for j = 0 it's the root, j = 3 is t1...)
            unsigned int rNode = treelist[j+1];             // save the right child of the merged node
            unsigned int lNode = treelist[j+2];             // save the left child of the merged node 
            snode m(mNode); 
            m.insert(*vn[lNode]); m.insert(*vn[rNode]);             
            delete vn[rNode]; 
            delete vn[lNode]; vn[lNode] = new snode(m);
            j = j+3; }                          // counting j+3 to access the next merged node in the treelist vector
        const auto root = vn.begin(); 
        return root->second;
