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  • JFG123  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    Map with Purrr multiple dataframes and have those modified dataframes as the output 并将其修改为包含我选择的另一个度量(“choice”)。但是,此代码会引发一个错误:



    mtcars2 <- mtcars 
    #change one variable just to distinguish them 
    mtcars2$mpg <- mtcars2$mpg / 2
    #create the list
    dflist <- list(mtcars,mtcars2)
    #then, a simple function example
    my_fun <- function(x) 
    {x <- x %>%
      summarise(`sum of mpg` = sum(mpg), 
                `sum of cyl` = sum(cyl),
                `sum of choice` = sum(choice))}
    #then, using map, this works and prints the desired results
    list_results <- map(dflist,my_fun, choice= "disp")
    1 回复  |  直到 5 年前
  •  4
  •   Mirabilis    6 年前


    1. 添加 choice 作为函数中的参数。
    2. x <-
    3. 使用 tidyeval 使“选择”论据起作用。

    my_fun <- function(x, choice) 
    {x %>%
    summarise(`sum of mpg` = sum(mpg), 
              `sum of cyl` = sum(cyl),
              `sum of choice` = sum(!!choice))}
    list_results <- map(dflist, my_fun, choice = quo(disp))

    如果您想保持在dataframe/tible中,那么使用 nest 创造 list-columns 可能会有帮助。

    mtcars2$group <- sample(c("a", "b", "c"), 32, replace = TRUE)
    mtcars2 %>% 
        as_tibble() %>% 
        nest(-group) %>% 
        mutate(out = map(data, my_fun, quo(disp))) %>% 