And going back to your
Finally, compare these 2 examples:
词法范围界定是一种常见的事情,大多数设计良好的语言,无论是解释的还是编译的都会使用它。 I had not tried this in a while, but note the nifty "global" keyword, and its use below:
Without the "global" line, the modification to o is localized, and "print o" prints 1. With the "global o" line included, it prints 2. We call this way that my function (without the global o) above would have its own variables. The global thing above is a way to specifically request an exception to the normal lexical scoping. True lexical scoping is something that Python 1.0 lacked, and which Python has had for a long time (since at least 1.6, if I remember correctly). There were only two scopes, local and global, and any intermediate scopes were inaccessible. |
So yes, when the compiler compiles your file it creates a local variable
See the Python tutorial for more information. 特别地 http://docs.python.org/tutorial/classes.html 第9.2节 |
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