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  • Simon D  · 技术社区  · 5 年前




    问:有没有一种方法可以让Alexa查找这些pdf,并像Wikipedia的查询技巧一样读取被询问关键字的定义? 问:我必须用机器可读的格式解析它吗?


    0 回复  |  直到 5 年前
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  •   Mike Liddell    5 年前



    https://forums.developer.amazon.com/questions/128538/sample-skill-using-amazonsearchquery.html .

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  •   marc_s    4 年前

    问题1。是的,有一种方法可以让Alexa查找这些PDF文件并阅读定义。amazonalexa支持lambda函数。Lambda支持.Net内核。Foxit PDF SDK 6.4在.Net内核中工作。Foxit PDF SDK 6.4支持在PDF中搜索关键字。您可以使用Foxxit PDF SDK来搜索关键字,并尝试解析PDF中的文本数据以获得定义。

    此解决方案需要用于.net的Foxit PDF SDK 6.4。您可以通过以下链接找到对评估包的请求: https://developers.foxitsoftware.com/pdf-sdk/free-trial

    using foxit;
    using foxit.common;
    using foxit.common.fxcrt;
    using foxit.pdf;

    public string SearchPDF(string inputPDF, string searchTerm)//inputPDF is the PDF path with the PDF itself and its .pdf extension.  the serachTerm is the term you want to search.
        string sn = "SNValue"; //the SN value provided in the evaluation package at lib\gsdk_sn.txt
        string key = "SignKeyValue"; //the Sign value provided in evaluation package at lib\gsdk_key.txt
        ErrorCode error_code;
            error_code = Library.Initialize(sn, key);  //Unlocks the library to be used.  Make sure you update the sn and key file accordingly.
            if (error_code != ErrorCode.e_ErrSuccess)
                return error_code.ToString();
            PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc(inputPDF); 
            error_code = doc.Load(null); //Loads the PDF into the Foxit PDF SDK
            if (error_code != ErrorCode.e_ErrSuccess)
                return error_code.ToString(); //Returns a error code if loading the document fails
            using (TextSearch search = new TextSearch(doc, null))
                int start_index = 0;
                int end_index = doc.GetPageCount() - 1;
                search.SetEndPage(doc.GetPageCount() - 1);
                search.SetPattern(searchTerm); //Sets the search term to be search in the PDF
                Int32 flags = (int)TextSearch.SearchFlags.e_SearchNormal;
                // if want to specify flags, you can do as followings:
                // flags |= TextSearch::e_SearchMatchCase;
                // flags |= TextSearch::e_SearchMatchWholeWord;
                // flags |= TextSearch::e_SearchConsecutive;
                int match_count = 0;
                while (search.FindNext())
                    RectFArray rect_array = search.GetMatchRects()
                    string sentenceWithSearchTerm = search.GetMatchSentence();// Gets the sentence with the search term
        catch (foxit.PDFException e)
            return e.Message;
        catch (Exception e)
            return e.Message;
        return error_code.ToString().ToUpper(); //If successful this will return the "E_ERRSUCCESS." Please check out the headers for other error codes.

     using (var doc = new PDFDoc(inputPDF)){
        error_code = doc.Load(null);
        if (error_code != ErrorCode.e_ErrSuccess)
            return error_code.ToString();
        // Get page count
        int pageCount = doc.GetPageCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) //A loop that goes through each page
            using (var page = doc.GetPage(i))
                // Parse page
                page.StartParse((int)PDFPage.ParseFlags.e_ParsePageNormal, null, false);
                // Get the text select object.
                using (var text_select = new TextPage(page, (int)TextPage.TextParseFlags.e_ParseTextNormal))
                    int count = text_select.GetCharCount();
                    if (count > 0)
                        String chars = text_select.GetChars(0, count); //gets the text on the PDF page.

    问题3。我不知道你所说的机器可读格式是什么意思,但是Foxit PDF SDK可以提供字符串格式的文本。