. 但是,如果我手动将地址放入浏览器,我会得到正确的JSON返回。
API U密钥/37.4498,-77.3047
getWeather = async (e) => { //Get weather data
let latitude = '';
let longitude = '';
e.preventDefault(); //prevent page reload behaviour
if ("geolocation" in navigator) {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((position) => {
latitude = position.coords.latitude.toFixed(4); //save lat and lon from above API call
longitude = position.coords.longitude.toFixed(4);
console.log("Latitude: " + latitude + ", Longitude: " + longitude);
} else {
console.log("Geolocation not available");
//Pass the lattitude and longitude values from the location API call to the weather API
const weather_api_call = await fetch(`https://api.darksky.net/forecast/${api_secret_key}/${latitude},${longitude}`);
const weather_data = await weather_api_call.json(); //retrieve weather API data
console.log(weather_data); //print weather API data to console
getWeather = (e) => {
e.preventDefault(); //prevent page reload behaviour
if ("geolocation" in navigator) { //if the users allows geolocation to be active
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(async (position) => { //access naviagotr API & get the users current lat and lon
let latitude = position.coords.latitude.toFixed(4); //save lat and lon from above API call
let longitude = position.coords.longitude.toFixed(4);
console.log("Latitude: " + latitude + " Longitude: " + longitude); //check lat and lon
//Pass the lattitude and longitude values from the location API call to the weather API
const weather_api_call = await fetch(`https://api.darksky.net/forecast/${api_secret_key}/`+latitude+`,`+longitude); //run API call after when lat and lon data is gotten
const weather_data = await weather_api_call.json(); //retrieve weather API data after the call is executed with the lat and lon
console.log(weather_data); //print weather API data to console
} else {
console.log("Geolocation not available"); //Log if user blocks location in browser