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  • rap-2-h  · 技术社区  · 7 年前


    pub fn hello() -> &'static str {
        "hello from rust"

    它构建和 hello 可以从JS调用函数:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        .then(response => response.arrayBuffer())
        .then(bytes => WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes, {}))
        .then(results => {

    我的问题是 alert i32 ,它工作并显示 i32 . 我还试着返回一个 String 但它不起作用(仍显示“未定义”)。


    3 回复  |  直到 5 年前
  •  21
  •   Shepmaster Tim Diekmann    7 年前

    WebAssembly只支持少数几个 numeric types ,这是通过导出函数可以返回的全部内容。


    无论编译到WebAssembly的是哪种语言,都使用相同的技术。 How can I return a JavaScript string from a WebAssembly function 提供问题的详细背景。

    对于Rust,您需要使用外部函数接口(FFI),使用 CString 类型如下:

    use std::ffi::CString;
    use std::os::raw::c_char;
    static HELLO: &'static str = "hello from rust";
    pub fn get_hello() -> *mut c_char {
        let s = CString::new(HELLO).unwrap();
    pub fn get_hello_len() -> usize {

    上面的代码导出了两个函数, get_hello 返回对字符串的引用,并且 get_hello_len 返回其长度。


    const res = await fetch('chip8.wasm');
    const buffer = await res.arrayBuffer();
    const module = await WebAssembly.compile(buffer);
    const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(module);
    // obtain the module memory
    const linearMemory = instance.exports.memory;
    // create a buffer starting at the reference to the exported string
    const offset = instance.exports.get_hello();
    const stringBuffer = new Uint8Array(linearMemory.buffer, offset,
    // create a string from this buffer
    let str = '';
    for (let i=0; i<stringBuffer.length; i++) {
      str += String.fromCharCode(stringBuffer[i]);

    C等价物 can be seen in action in a WasmFiddle .

  •  5
  •   letmutx    7 年前

    你不能直接退回铁锈 String 或者 &str . 相反,分配并返回一个原始字节指针,其中包含必须在JavaScript端编码为JS字符串的数据。

    您可以看一看SHA1示例 here .


    • demos/bundle.js - copyCStr
    • demos/sha1/sha1-digest.rs - digest

    更多示例: https://www.hellorust.com/demos/sha1/index.html

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  •   ArtemGr    5 年前

    我看到的大多数示例都会复制字符串两次。首先在WASM一侧,进入 CString 或者通过缩小 Vec 然后在解码UTF-8的同时在JS端。


    use std::collections::HashMap;
    /// Byte vectors shared with JavaScript.
    /// A map from payload's memory location to `Vec<u8>`.
    /// In order to deallocate memory in Rust we need not just the memory location but also it's size.
    /// In case of strings and vectors the freed size is capacity.
    /// Keeping the vector around allows us not to change it's capacity.
    /// Not thread-safe (assuming that we're running WASM from the single JavaScript thread).
    static mut SHARED_VECS: Option<HashMap<u32, Vec<u8>>> = None;
    extern "C" {
        fn console_log(rs: *const u8);
        fn console_log_8859_1(rs: *const u8);
    pub fn init() {
        unsafe { SHARED_VECS = Some(HashMap::new()) }
    pub fn vec_len(payload: *const u8) -> u32 {
        unsafe {
                .get(&(payload as u32))
                .len() as u32
    pub fn vec2js<V: Into<Vec<u8>>>(v: V) -> *const u8 {
        let v = v.into();
        let payload = v.as_ptr();
        unsafe {
            SHARED_VECS.as_mut().unwrap().insert(payload as u32, v);
    pub extern "C" fn free_vec(payload: *const u8) {
        unsafe {
            SHARED_VECS.as_mut().unwrap().remove(&(payload as u32));
    pub fn start() {
        unsafe {
            console_log(vec2js(format!("Hello again!")));
            console_log_8859_1(vec2js(b"ASCII string." as &[u8]));


    (function (iif) {
      function rs2js (mod, rs, utfLabel = 'utf-8') {
        const view = new Uint8Array (mod.memory.buffer, rs, mod.vec_len (rs))
        const utf8dec = new TextDecoder (utfLabel)
        const utf8 = utf8dec.decode (view)
        mod.free_vec (rs)
        return utf8}
      function loadWasm (cache) {
        // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/WebAssembly/instantiateStreaming
        WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming (fetch ('main.wasm', {cache: cache ? "default" : "no-cache"}), {env: {
          console_log: function (rs) {if (window.console) console.log ('main]', rs2js (iif.main, rs))},
          console_log_8859_1: function (rs) {if (window.console) console.log ('main]', rs2js (iif.main, rs, 'iso-8859-1'))}
        }}) .then (results => {
          const exports = results.instance.exports
          iif.main = exports
      // Hot code reloading.
      if (window.location.hostname == '' && window.location.port == '43080') {
        window.setInterval (
          function() {
            // Check if the WASM was updated.
            fetch ('main.wasm.lm', {cache: "no-cache"}) .then (r => r.text()) .then (lm => {
              lm = lm.trim()
              if (/^\d+$/.test (lm) && lm != iif.lm) {
                iif.lm = lm
                loadWasm (false)}})},
      } else loadWasm (true)
    } (window.iif = window.iif || {}))

    这里的权衡是我们正在使用 HashMap 在WASM中,可能会增加尺寸,除非 哈希图 已需要。

    一个有趣的替代方法是使用 tables 与JavaScript共享(负载、长度、容量)三元组,并在释放字符串时将其取回。但我还不知道如何使用这些桌子。

    P、 有时我们不想分配 Vec公司 首先。

    extern "C" {
        fn new_js_string(utf8: *const u8, len: i32) -> i32;
        fn console_log(js: i32);
    fn rs2js(rs: &str) -> i32 {
        assert!(rs.len() < i32::max_value() as usize);
        unsafe { new_js_string(rs.as_ptr(), rs.len() as i32) }
    pub fn start() {
        unsafe {
            console_log(rs2js("Hello again!"));
    (function (iif) {
      function loadWasm (cache) {
        WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming (fetch ('main.wasm', {cache: cache ? "default" : "no-cache"}), {env: {
          new_js_string: function (utf8, len) {
            const view = new Uint8Array (iif.main.memory.buffer, utf8, len)
            const utf8dec = new TextDecoder ('utf-8')
            const decoded = utf8dec.decode (view)
            let stringId = iif.lastStringId
            while (typeof iif.strings[stringId] !== 'undefined') stringId += 1
            if (stringId > 2147483647) {  // Can't easily pass more than that through WASM.
              stringId = -2147483648
              while (typeof iif.strings[stringId] !== 'undefined') stringId += 1
              if (stringId > 2147483647) throw new Error ('Out of string IDs!')}
            iif.strings[stringId] = decoded
            return iif.lastStringId = stringId},
          console_log: function (js) {
            if (window.console) console.log ('main]', iif.strings[js])
            delete iif.strings[js]}
        }}) .then (results => {
          iif.main = results.instance.exports
      loadWasm (true)
    } (window.iif = window.iif || {strings: {}, lastStringId: 1}))