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  • user2860957  · 技术社区  · 7 年前

    如果这是一个愚蠢的问题,我很抱歉,但这段代码让我发疯了,我把它去掉,本来以为我能理解,但在做了这件事并投入了2-4个小时后,现在我对我认为我知道的事情感到困惑。 我只知道它与背景图像、线性梯度、背景大小和背景位置有关


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    li {
      linear-gradient(to bottom, 
      transparent 50%, 
      #a2d39c 50%, #a2d39c 95%, #7cc576 95%);
      background-size: 100% 200%;
      transition: all .25s ease;
    li:hover {
        background-position: bottom center;}
    li a {display: block;
      padding: 1rem 0;}



    1 回复  |  直到 7 年前
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  •   fubar    7 年前


    li {
        // You're creating a background gradient, where the first 50% is transparent, the next 45% is #a2d39c and the last 5% is #7cc576
            linear-gradient(to bottom, 
            transparent 50%, 
            #a2d39c 50%, #a2d39c 95%, #7cc576 95%);
        // The background size is twice the height of your element. Therefore with the 50% transparency and initial position, you're not going to see anything
        background-size: 100% 200%;
        // This will nicely transition between CSS property values when they change
        transition: all .25s ease;
    li:hover {
        // When you hover over your list item, you're changing the position so that the bottom of the background is visible. This causes the 50% transparent portion of the background to disappear, and the coloured portion to slide into view
        background-position: bottom center;}

    background-position ,您将看到默认值为 0% 0% ,这基本上是 top left .

    左上角 .记住这一点。

    您的背景渐变已定义 to bottom ,所以从 top -> bottom transparent

    然后考虑背景渐变是元素高度的两倍。这是由 background-size: 100% 200% (100%宽度,200%高度)。背景可以大于应用背景的元素,任何溢出都将被隐藏。

    透明的 部分

    然后覆盖 background-position 悬停时,你是说现在显示 bottom center 部分考虑到您的背景如何匹配元素的全宽 center bottom 垂直设置。现在意味着显示第二个50%。
