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  • dmedine  · 技术社区  · 3 年前



    using System;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace ASIOSimulation
        // pretend this is a C++ library based on Boost libraries:
        public class ConsumerBasedOnAsioAndSpscQueue
            private bool _hasNewData = false;
            private bool _running = false;
            private Thread _thread;
            public bool HasNewData => _hasNewData;
            // pretend this is actually an asynchronous data consuming process:
            private void Consume()
                while (_running)
                    _hasNewData = false;
                    _hasNewData = true;
            public void LaunchConsumer()
                _running = true;
                _thread = new Thread(Consume);
            public void KillConsumer()
                _running = false;
                if (_thread != null)
                    if (_thread.IsAlive)
        // pretend this is the C++ API for the library above
        public class APICpp : IDisposable
            private readonly ConsumerBasedOnAsioAndSpscQueue _consumerBasedOnAsioAndSpscQueue = new();
            public APICpp()
            // the API for the background process gives me a blocking call
            // to fetch the 'data' with
            public int BlockingCallToConsumer()
                while (!_consumerBasedOnAsioAndSpscQueue.HasNewData)
                // new data has arrived! return the 'data':
                return 1;
            // how do I/can I make a nonblocking version of the above that is awaitable?
            public void Dispose() => _consumerBasedOnAsioAndSpscQueue.KillConsumer();
        // C# wrapper to C++ API---I will do my best to be async :/.
        public class APIWrapperCSharp
            private readonly APICpp _apiCpp = new();
            // in reality we need something like:
            // [DllImport(APICpp, CallingConventions = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, ExactSpelling = true)]
            // public static extern int BlockingCallToConsumer();
            public int BlockingCallToConsumer() => _apiCpp.BlockingCallToConsumer();
            // what I want to implement:
            public Action<int> SomeFunctionToRunAfterCallReturns { get; set; }
            //public async Task NonBlockingCallAsync()
            //    // what I don't know how to do:
            //    int resutl = await _apiCpp.NonBlockingCallToConsumer();
            //    SomeFunctionToRunAfterCallReturns!.Invoke(result);
            // the 'wrong' way to do it
            public async Task BlockingCallAsync()
                int result = await Task.Run(()=>_apiCpp.BlockingCallToConsumer());
        // a client
        public class Client
            public void CallIt()
                APIWrapperCSharp client = new();
                int result = client.BlockingCallToConsumer();
                Console.WriteLine("A non-async call to a call that blocks on an asynchronous process just got new data. Result: {0}", result);
            public async Task CallItAsync()
                APIWrapperCSharp client = new();
                client.SomeFunctionToRunAfterCallReturns = PrintResult;
                await client.BlockingCallAsync();
            private void PrintResult(int result)
                Console.WriteLine("An async call to a call that blocks on an asynchronous process just got new data. Result: {0}", result);
        class Program
            static void Main()
                Client client = new();
                Console.WriteLine("wait for new data");
                Console.WriteLine("Control returned to Main");
                Console.WriteLine("wait for new data");
                Console.WriteLine("Control returned to Main");


    wait for new data
    A non-async call to a call that blocks on an asynchronous process just got new data. Result: 1
    Control returned to Main
    wait for new data
    Control returned to Main
    An async call to a call that blocks on an asynchronous process just got new data. Result: 1


    如果我理解正确的话,如果后台任务是同步的,这意味着它在后台线程上运行,并在安全的情况下提供对共享对象的访问。另一方面,如果它是异步的,这就意味着在某个时刻,当共享对象准备就绪时,必须有某种回调或事件处理机制来激活对象。那么,我该如何创建这样一种机制,以便使用方便的dandy async/await模式向客户端公开呢?

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  •   Stephen Cleary    3 年前




    Win32 API(以及密切相关的API)的常见方法是使用 overlapped I/O 这个NET包装器,然后使用 ThreadPool.BindHandle 绑定 HANDLE 到线程池中内置的I/O完成端口。最后,异步操作在传递 OVERLAPPED 结构到非托管代码(例如,使用 Overlapped.Pack ). 此回调可以完成 TaskCompletionSource<T> ,避免了对 IAsyncResult 彻底地

    这是内置在Windows中的系统的常见方法,但对于第三方非托管库并不常见。其中一个原因是,编写真正异步的非托管代码相当困难。大多数非托管库根本不关心异步代码;少数人经常使用定制回调或类似的定制方法。如果C++API使用类似于简单回调的方法,则可以封送完成 任务完成源<T> 直接地


    这可以使用 任务完成源<T> 。棘手的部分(尤其是封送至非托管代码时)是如何设置回调,以便 任务完成源<T> 完成。

    那么,我该如何创建这样一种机制,以便使用方便的dandy async/await模式向客户端公开呢?

    没有办法整理 async / await 跨越互操作边界(尚未)。非托管C++世界没有标准的、通用的Promise/Future类型(即。, Task<T> / 任务完成源<T> ),所以图书馆使用他们提出的任何东西。然后,被管理的世界接受了这个解决方案,并(最终)将其包裹起来 任务完成源<T> ,生成 任务<T> 可以是 等候 预计起飞时间。