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  • dar  · 技术社区  · 15 年前

    在我们的实验室中,我们的postgres 8.3数据库偶尔会从pid文件中孤立出来,我们在尝试关闭数据库时会收到以下消息:

    Error: pid file is invalid, please manually kill the stale server process postgres

    当这种情况发生时,我们立即进行 pg_dump 所以我们可以稍后恢复数据库。但是,如果我们杀了-9个孤儿 postgres 进程,然后启动它,数据库仅从上次成功关闭的数据启动。但是如果你 psql 在杀死它之前,所有的数据都是可用的,所以为什么 垃圾场 作品


    3 回复  |  直到 15 年前
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  •   Milen A. Radev    15 年前

    documentation 您可以发送SIGTERM或SIGQUIT。SIGTERM是首选。无论哪种方式,都不要使用SIGKILL(正如你从个人经验中所知道的)。

    编辑: pgsql-admin 邮件列表。

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  •   Magnus Hagander    15 年前

    从不 使用kill-9。



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  •   Dan Benamy    12 年前

    # Here's a snippet to watch how long each connection to the db has been open:
    #     watch -n 1 'ps -o pid,cmd,etime -C postgres | grep $DB'
    # This program kills any postgres workers/connections to the specified database
    # which have been running for 2 or 3 minutes. It actually kills workers which
    # have an elapsed time including "02:" or "03:". That'll be anything running
    # for at least 2 minutes and less than 4. It'll also cover anything that
    # managed to stay around until an hour and 2 or 3 minutes, etc.
    # Run this once a minute via cron and it should catch any connection open
    # between 2 and 3 minutes. You can temporarily disable it if if you need to run
    # a long connection once in a while.
    # The check for "03:" is in case there's a little lag starting the cron job and
    # the timing is really bad and it never sees a worker in the 1 minute window
    # when it's got "02:".
    old=$(ps -o pid,cmd,etime -C postgres | grep "$DB" | egrep '0[23]:')
    if [ -n "$old" ]; then
        echo "Killing:"
        echo "$old"
        echo "$old" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I {} kill {}