using Boo.Lang;
using System.Collections;
using SCG = System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using System;
public class MeetingRequestViewer : MonoBehaviour
//This script contains the code on how to display information about the students to the staff
//it displays each student in a different row
private Rect windowRect = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height);
public Vector2 scrollPosition = Vector2.zero;
private int BSpace;
public string[,] SortedStudentArray;
private int j;
private string[][] MeetRequests;
private string[] temp;
private SCG.List<string> H_Priority = new SCG.List<string>();
private SCG.List<string> M_Priority = new SCG.List<string>();
private SCG.List<string> L_Priority = new SCG.List<string>();
private SCG.List<string> FullList = new SCG.List<string>();
private SCG.List<string> UAList;
private SCG.List<object> StudentButtonList = new SCG.List<object>();
private string[] Holding = new string[5];
private string[] SearchTerms;
public int ButtonSpacing = 10;
public int ButtonWidth = 80;
public int ButtonHeight = 30;
public void OnGUI()
//create a window
GUI.Window(0, windowRect, WindowFunction, "Meeting Request Viewer");
public void WindowFunction(int windowID)
//Fetches all user Data
string[][] userArray = GetComponent<Userdata>().CallDetail();
string[][] StudentArray = GetComponent<Userdata>().UserSorting(userArray);
//Calls the SortStudentArray method
string[,] SortedStudentArray = SortStudentList();
//Creates a box with a scrolling bar to taverse the y axis
scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(Screen.width / 6, Screen.height / 6, 350, 250), scrollPosition, new Rect(0, 0, 300, 40 * SortedStudentArray.Length));
//for each row in the sorted student array
for (int x = 0; x < SortedStudentArray.Length - 1; x++)
//This keeps the gap between each button consistent
var y = ButtonSpacing + ButtonHeight;
//Regular Meeting Request
if (SortedStudentArray[x, 7] == "1")
//Urgent Meeting Request
if (SortedStudentArray[x, 8] == "1")
Debug.Log("Even Here");
//Create Button coloured red
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.red;
//Regular Meeting Request
//Create Button coloured yellow
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.yellow;
//No Meeting Request
//Create Button coloured green
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.green;
GUI.Button(new Rect(ButtonSpacing, ButtonSpacing + x * y, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight), SortedStudentArray[x, 6]);
ButtonsCreated = true;
private string[,] SortStudentList()
//This method is used to fetch the meeting request data, split it into a jagged array and then again so that each
//row is a new user and each item in the row is a different peice of information relating to the user
//The Jagged array is then sorted using the bubble sort algorithm so that the students that require urgent meetings
//appear at the topo of the request table
//call website with the data store
WWW MeetReqData = new WWW("http://localhost/Wellbeing/meetingrequest.php");
//until WWW is finished do nothing
while (MeetReqData.isDone == false)
//convert the returned value into a string
string MeetReqString = MeetReqData.text;
//split the text into a string list
string[] mrq = MeetReqString.Split(';');
//convert the string list into a jagged array
MeetRequests = new string[mrq.Length][];
int i = 0;
//for each item in the list
foreach (string s in mrq)
//split it into its individual peice of information
string[] g = s.Split('|');
//store the information about a user on a new line
MeetRequests[i] = g;
for (int n = 0; n < MeetRequests.Length - 1; n++)
if (MeetRequests[n][1] == "1" && MeetRequests[n][2] == "1")
else if (MeetRequests[n][1] == "1" && MeetRequests[n][2] == "0")
//Combines all lists into a larger list of priorities
//convertFullList into an array for easier mainpulation and comparisons
string[][] feelingsArray = GetComponent<Userdata>().CallFeelings();
//FullList only contains 3 values
//Info array about each user
string[,] SortedStudentArray = new string[FullList.Count, 11];
//SortedStudentArray contains 33 rows
Debug.Log("This thing Here");
//Line Counter
int SSAPos = 0;
// For every element in FullList
foreach (var item in FullList)
//For each user in userArray
for (int y = 0; y < Userdata.userArray.Length; y++)
if (Userdata.userArray[y][0] == item)
for (int n = 0; n < Userdata.userArray; n++)
SortedStudentArray[SSAPos, n] = Userdata.userArray[y][n];
//For each user in userArray
for (int y = 0; y < MeetRequests.Length; y++)
if (MeetRequests[y][0] == item)
SortedStudentArray[SSAPos, 7] = MeetRequests[y][1];
SortedStudentArray[SSAPos, 8] = MeetRequests[y][2];
SSAPos += 1;
return SortedStudentArray;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
//if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 4, Screen.height / 7, Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 8), "Log Out"))
// Debug.Log("Logged Out");
// SceneManager.LoadScene("Login");