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  • B. Price  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    我有一个VB中的winforms项目。2017年净额。我有一个名为LogDataFiles的例程,它使用CreateFile和WriteFile API将一个小数据文件写入磁盘。当从源代码运行时,我可以通过直接通过命令按钮调用LogDataFiles例程,或者通过向消息队列发布消息(这反过来又调用LogDataFiles函数),成功地写入文件。




      Private Structure SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
        Dim nLength As Integer
        Dim lpSecurityDescriptor As Integer
        Dim bInheritHandle As Boolean
      End Structure
      Private Declare Auto Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal lpFileName As String,
       ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Int32, ByVal dwShareMode As Int32, ByRef lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES,
      ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Int32, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Int32, ByVal hTemplateFile As IntPtr) As Integer
      Private Declare Auto Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal lpFileName As String,
       ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Int32, ByVal dwShareMode As Int32, ByRef lpSecurityAttributes As IntPtr,
      ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Int32, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Int32, ByVal hTemplateFile As IntPtr) As Integer
      Private Declare Auto Function SetFilePointer Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Integer, _
          ByVal lDistanceToMove As Integer, ByRef lpDistanceToMoveHigh As Integer, _
          ByVal dwMoveMethod As Integer) As Long
      Private Declare Auto Function ReadFile Lib "Kernel32.dll" ( _
        ByVal hndRef As Integer, ByVal lpBuffer As Byte(), _
        ByVal numberOfBytesToRead As Integer, ByRef numberOfBytesRead As Integer, ByVal flag As Integer) As Boolean
      Private Declare Auto Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hObject As Integer) As Boolean
      Private Declare Function GetDiskFreeSpaceEx Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetDiskFreeSpaceExA" (ByVal lpRootPathName As String, ByRef lpFreeBytesAvailableToCaller As Long, ByRef lpTotalNumberOfBytes As Long, ByRef lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes As Long) As Long
      Private Declare Auto Function GetLastError Lib "kernel32" () As Long
      Private Declare Function WriteFile Lib "kernel32" (
            ByVal hTemplateFile As Integer, lpBuffer() As Byte,
            ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Int32,
           ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Int32, ByVal lpOverlapped As Int32) As Integer
      Private Declare Function GetDiskFreeSpace Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetDiskFreeSpaceA" _
     (ByVal lpRootPathName As String, ByRef lpSectorsPerCluster As UInt32, ByRef lpBytesPerSector As UInt32, ByRef lpNumberOfFreeClusters As UInt32, ByRef lpTtoalNumberOfClusters As UInt32) As Integer
      Private Declare Function FlushFileBuffers Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Integer) As Integer
      Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTickCount" () As Integer
      Private Const GENERIC_WRITE As Long = &H40000000
      Private Const GENERIC_READ As Long = &H80000000
      Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL As Long = &H80
      Private Const CREATE_ALWAYS As Long = 2
      Private Const OPEN_EXISTING As Long = 3
      Private Const OPEN_ALWAYS As Long = 4
      Private Const INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE As Long = -1
      ' CreateFile dwShareMode 
      Private Const FILE_SHARE_READ As Integer = &H1
      Private Const FILE_SHARE_WRITE As Integer = &H2
      ' Windows file cache related attributes
      Private Const WRITE_THROUGH As Long = &H80000000
      Private Const NO_BUFFERING As Long = &H20000000
      Friend Structure STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER
        Friend DeviceType As Integer
        Friend DeviceNumber As Integer
        Friend PartitionNumber As Integer
      End Structure
      Private Enum EFileAccess As System.Int32
        ''  The following are masks for the predefined standard access types
        DELETE = &H10000
        READ_CONTROL = &H20000
        WRITE_DAC = &H40000
        WRITE_OWNER = &H80000
        SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000
        STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL = &H1F0000
        '' AccessSystemAcl access type
        ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY = &H1000000
        '' MaximumAllowed access type
        MAXIMUM_ALLOWED = &H2000000
        ''  These are the generic rights.
        GENERIC_READ = &H80000000
        GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000
        GENERIC_EXECUTE = &H20000000
        GENERIC_ALL = &H10000000
      End Enum
      Private Enum EFileShare
        FILE_SHARE_NONE = &H0
        FILE_SHARE_READ = &H1
        FILE_SHARE_WRITE = &H2
      End Enum
      Private Enum ECreationDisposition
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Creates a new file, only if it does not already exist.
        ''' If the specified file exists, the function fails and the last-error code is set to ERROR_FILE_EXISTS (80).
        ''' If the specified file does not exist and is a valid path to a writable location, a new file is created.
        ''' </summary>
        CREATE_NEW = 1
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Creates a new file, always.
        ''' If the specified file exists and is writable, the function overwrites the file, the function succeeds, and last-error code is set to ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS (183).
        ''' If the specified file does not exist and is a valid path, a new file is created, the function succeeds, and the last-error code is set to zero.
        ''' For more information, see the Remarks section of this topic.
        ''' </summary>
        CREATE_ALWAYS = 2
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Opens a file or device, only if it exists.
        ''' If the specified file or device does not exist, the function fails and the last-error code is set to ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND (2).
        ''' For more information about devices, see the Remarks section.
        ''' </summary>
        OPEN_EXISTING = 3
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Opens a file, always.
        ''' If the specified file exists, the function succeeds and the last-error code is set to ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS (183).
        ''' If the specified file does not exist and is a valid path to a writable location, the function creates a file and the last-error code is set to zero.
        ''' </summary>
        OPEN_ALWAYS = 4
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Opens a file and truncates it so that its size is zero bytes, only if it exists.
        ''' If the specified file does not exist, the function fails and the last-error code is set to ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND (2).
        ''' The calling process must open the file with the GENERIC_WRITE bit set as part of the dwDesiredAccess parameter.
        ''' </summary>
      End Enum
      Private Enum EFileAttributes
        'This parameter can also contain combinations of flags (FILE_FLAG_*) 
        FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE = &H4000000
        FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING = &H20000000
        FILE_FLAG_OPEN_NO_RECALL = &H100000
        FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED = &H40000000
        FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS = &H10000000
        FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH = &H80000000
     Sub LogDataFiles()
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To 5
          Call WriteFileData(i)
      End Sub
      Sub WriteFileData(ByVal indexNo As Integer)
        Dim strFileName As String
        Dim bf As New BinaryFormatter
        Dim tmpStream As New MemoryStream
        Dim bytArray() As Byte
        'data inside defaults to all FF's
        Dim tmpStorage As New clsDataStorage
        Dim blnResult As Boolean
        Dim strTemp As String
          strFileName = dataPath & "File_" & indexNo.ToString & ".dat"
          'In real app, tmpStorage would be a more complex class so data is serialized
          'to allow it to be put into byte array
          'Must serialize the data first
          bf.Serialize(tmpStream, tmpStorage)
          bytArray = tmpStream.ToArray
          Call testIO.Write_Serialized_Data_To_File(bytArray, strFileName)
          blnResult = testIO.Check_File_Contents_By_CRC(strFileName)
          If blnResult = True Then
            strTemp = strFileName & vbTab & vbTab & "CRC Okay"
            strTemp = strFileName & vbTab & vbTab & "** CRC ERROR **"
          End If
          Call AddToList(strTemp)
          'error handling
        Catch ex As Exception
          Call LogError(ex)
          tmpStream = Nothing
          bf = Nothing
          bytArray = Nothing
          tmpStorage = Nothing
        End Try
      Sub Write_Serialized_Data_To_File(ByVal bytSerializedData() As Byte, ByVal strFileName As String)
        Dim lHandle As Integer
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim iBytesWritten As Integer
        Dim iResult As Integer
        Dim bytArray() As Byte
        Dim bytCRC() As Byte
        Dim intUBound As Integer
        Dim arrLogged() As Byte
        Dim bytTemp As Byte
        Dim blnExistsAlready As Boolean = False
        Dim intLoopCounter As Integer = 0
        Dim lngError As Long
          intUBound = bytSerializedData.GetUpperBound(0)
          ReDim bytArray(intUBound)
          For i = 0 To intUBound
            bytTemp = bytSerializedData(i)
            bytArray(i) = bytTemp
          'check to see if file exists first
          Dim strFileExists As String = " "
          strFileExists = Dir(strFileName)
          strFileExists = Trim$(strFileExists)
          If Len(strFileExists) = 0 Then
            'file does not exist
            blnExistsAlready = False
          ElseIf (Len(strFileExists) > 0) Then
            blnExistsAlready = True
          End If
          ''open the file
          lpSA.nLength = Len(lpSA)
          If blnExistsAlready = True Then
            'open but do not create file
            lHandle = CreateFile(strFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0,
                 lpSA, OPEN_EXISTING, NO_BUFFERING, IntPtr.Zero)
            Debug.WriteLine("Write handle exists is = " & lHandle.ToString)
          ElseIf blnExistsAlready = False Then
            'create new file
            lHandle = CreateFile(strFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0,
               lpSA, CREATE_ALWAYS, NO_BUFFERING, IntPtr.Zero)
            Debug.WriteLine("Write handle create is = " & lHandle.ToString)
          End If
          Debug.WriteLine("Write handle create is = " & lHandle.ToString)
          lngError = GetLastError()
          If lngError > 0 Then
            Debug.WriteLine("B after write last error is " & lngError.ToString)
            MsgBox("CreateFile Failure for " & strFileName & " -Error Code: " & lngError.ToString)
            'add CRC bytes to bytArray before logging to disk
            intUBound = bytArray.GetUpperBound(0)
            'get crc bytes
            bytCRC = CRC_CalcCRC(bytArray)
            'add crc bytes to array
            ReDim Preserve bytArray(intUBound + 2)  'for 2 crc bytes 
          bytArray(intUBound + 1) = bytCRC(1)
          bytArray(intUBound + 2) = bytCRC(0)
          ReDim arrLogged(intUBound + 2 + 4)
          For i = (intUBound + 2 + 4) To 4 Step -1
            arrLogged(i) = bytArray(i - 4)
          Next i
          'add upper bound of data array including CRC bytes to front of log before passing
          arrLogged = Convert_Long_To_Binary_Array_LSB_First((intUBound + 2), 0, 4, arrLogged)
          iResult = CInt(WriteFile(lHandle, arrLogged, Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(arrLogged.Length / SRAM_Drive_SectorSize) * SRAM_Drive_SectorSize), iBytesWritten, 0))
            'Call CloseHandle(lHandle)
          End If
          'error handling
        Catch ex As Exception
          Call LogError(ex)
          If lHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then
            Call CloseHandle(lHandle)
            'MsgBox("close handle  " & lHandle.ToString)
          End If
        End Try
      End Sub


      Private Sub RxQueue_ReceiveCompleted(sender As Object, e As ReceiveCompletedEventArgs) Handles RxQueue.ReceiveCompleted
          Dim qMessage As Message = RxQueue.EndReceive(e.AsyncResult)
          Dim qBody As structEvent
          qBody = CType(qMessage.Body, structEvent)
          Call UpdateUI(qBody)
        Catch ex As Exception
          Call LogError(ex)
        End Try
      End Sub
      Public Sub Load_RxQueue()
          With RxQueue
            .Path = nameOfQueue
            .Formatter = New XmlMessageFormatter(New Type() {GetType(structEvent)})
            '.EnableConnectionCache = True
            'purge any existing messages currently in queue
          End With
        Catch ex As Exception
          Call LogError(ex)
        End Try
      End Sub
      Public Sub Start_RxQueue()
        Call Load_RxQueue()
      End Sub
      Delegate Sub UpdateUIHandler(ByVal objQueueDataFields As structEvent)
      Sub UpdateUI(ByVal objQueueDataFields As structEvent)
          'check to see if thread switch is required
          If Me.InvokeRequired = True Then
            'switch control over to the primary UI thread
            Dim handler As New UpdateUIHandler(AddressOf UpdateUI_Impl)
            Dim args() As Object = {objQueueDataFields}
            'call begin invoke method of form object
            Me.BeginInvoke(handler, args)
            Call UpdateUI_Impl(objQueueDataFields)
          End If
        Catch ex As Exception
          Call LogError(ex)
        End Try
      End Sub
      Sub UpdateUI_Impl(ByVal qData As structEvent)
          Call DecodeUI(qData)
        Catch ex As Exception
          Call LogError(ex)
        End Try
      End Sub
      Sub DecodeUI(ByVal qDecodeData As structEvent)
          Select Case qDecodeData.inputNo
            Case 0
              'list files to screen
              Call List_Files()
            Case 1
              Call AddToList("confirm pressed")
              Call LogDataFiles()
              'list files to screen with CRC checked
              'Call List_Files()
              Call AddToList("Finished")
            Case 2
              'delete existing files
              Call Delete_Files()
            Case 100
              'initial read of existing files
              Call List_Files()
          End Select
        Catch ex As Exception
          Call LogError(ex)
        End Try
      End Sub
    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
  •  1
  •   Visual Vincent    6 年前



    <DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError:=True, CharSet:=System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto)>
    Public Function CreateFile(ByVal lpFileName As String,
        ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Int32,
        ByVal dwShareMode As Int32,
        ByVal lpSecurityAttributes As IntPtr,
        ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Int32,
        ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Int32,
        ByVal hTemplateFile As IntPtr) As Int32
    End Function