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  • z-boss  · 技术社区  · 16 年前

    在VisualStudio 2008中,如果您有Web项目,可以使用菜单构建-gt;发布Web。

    在这篇博文中找到了答案: How to publish a web site with MSBuild .
    更详细的信息如下: Using MSBuild to deploy visual studio 2005 web applications .

    1 回复  |  直到 12 年前
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  •   kenny    16 年前


    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC>aspnet_compiler -?
    Utility to precompile an ASP.NET application
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    aspnet_compiler [-?] [-m metabasePath | -v virtualPath [-p physicalDir]]
                    [[-u] [-f] [-d] [-fixednames] targetDir] [-c]
                    [[-keyfile file | -keycontainer container]
                         [-aptca] [-delaySign]]
    -?            Prints this help text.
    -m            The full IIS metabase path of the application. This switch cannot
                  be combined with the -v or -p switches.
    -v            The virtual path of the application to be compiled (e.g.
                  "/MyApp"). If -p is specified, the physical path is used to
                  locate the application. Otherwise, the IIS metabase is used, and
                  the application is assumed to be in the default site (under
                  "/LM/W3SVC/1/Root"). This switch cannot be combined with the -m
    -p            The physical path of the application to be compiled. If -p is
                  missing, the IIS metabase is used to locate the app. This switch
                  must be combined with -v.
    -u            If specified, the precompiled application is updatable.
    -f            Overwrites the target directory if it already exists. Existing
                  contents are lost.
    -d            If specified, the debug information is emitted during
    targetDir     The physical path to which the application is compiled. If not
                  specified, the application is precompiled in-place.
    -c            If specified, the precompiled application is fully rebuilt. Any
                  previously compiled components will be re-compiled. This option
                  is always enabled when targetDir is specified.
    -keyfile      The physical path to the strong name key file.
    -keycontainer Specifies a strong name key container.
    -aptca        If specified, the strong-name assembly will allow partially
                  trusted callers.
    -delaysign    If specified, the assembly is not fully signed when created.
    -fixednames   If specified, the compiled assemblies will be given fixed names.
    -nologo       Suppress compiler copyright message.
    -errorstack   Shows extra debugging information that can help debug certain
    The following two commands are equivalent, and rely on the IIS metabase. The
    compiled application is deployed to c:\MyTarget:
        aspnet_compiler -m /LM/W3SVC/1/Root/MyApp c:\MyTarget
        aspnet_compiler -v /MyApp c:\MyTarget
    The following command compiles the application /MyApp in-place. The effect is
    that no more compilations will be needed when HTTP requests are sent to it:
        aspnet_compiler -v /MyApp
    The following command does *not* rely on the IIS metabase, as it explicitly
    specifies the physical source directory of the application:
        aspnet_compiler -v /MyApp -p c:\myapp c:\MyTarget