我在web.config文件中注册了一个自定义的membershipprovider类。我正在使用Castle Windsor使用反向控制,并且我已经将自定义的MembershipProvider类注册为Transient(因为它使用的服务也是Transient)。
顺便说一下,我用的是.NET 4.0。
<membership defaultProvider="MyMembershipProvider" >
<add name="ApplicationMembershipProvider"
type="MyNamespace.MyMembershipProvider, MyAssembly"/>
public class MyMembershipProvider : MembershipProvider
private IMyService myService;
public MyMembershipProvider() : base()
// We should use constructor injection here but since we cannot control
// the construction of this class, we're forced to create the dependency
// ourselves.
public override bool ValidateUser(string username, string password)
if (myService == null)
// This scope is only reached once within the browser session,
// ASP.NET keeps the instance of MyMembershipProvider in memory
// so the myService field keeps its value across web requests.
// This results in Castle Windsor (which I have configured the service
// locator to use) not being able to control the lifetime of
// the MyService instance. So, the inability of Windsor to control
// the lifetime of MembershipProvider instances, inhibits the lifetime
// management of MyService instances as well.
myService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IMyService>();
return myService.ValidateUser(username, password);