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  • Gonçalo Peres  · 技术社区  · 5 年前



    var color = d3.scaleQuatize().range([
        'rgb(247,251,255)', 'rgb(222,235,247)', 'rgb(198,219,239)',
        'rgb(158,202,225)', 'rgb(107,174,214)', 'rgb(66,146,198)',
        'rgb(33,113,181)', 'rgb(8,81,156)', 'rgb(8,48,107)'


    我想复制的传说是: https://beta.observablehq.com/@mbostock/d3-choropleth


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            <span>Lorem ipsum.</span><br>
            <span>Lorem Ipsum.</span><br>
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            <span>Lorem ipsum.</span><br>
            <span>Lorem ipsum.</span><br>
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            <span>Gonçalo Peres | <b><a href="http://goncaloperes.com/" target="_blank">GoncaloPeres.com</a></b></span><br>
            <span>Data from: <a href="https://public.enigma.com/datasets/u-s-department-of-agriculture-honey-production-2013/41cf2441-e96f-4113-a02f-402d167a9cd8" target="_blank">Enigma Public</a></span>
        <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.js"></script>
        <script src="https://d3js.org/d3-scale-chromatic.v1.min.js"></script>
        <script src="js/app.js"></script>


    // Width and height
    var chart_width     =   800;
    var chart_height    =   600;
    var color           =   d3.scaleQuantize().range([
         'rgb(247,251,255)', 'rgb(222,235,247)', 'rgb(198,219,239)',
         'rgb(158,202,225)', 'rgb(107,174,214)', 'rgb(66,146,198)',
         'rgb(33,113,181)', 'rgb(8,81,156)', 'rgb(8,48,107)'
    function openNav() {
        document.getElementById("mySidenav").style.width = "100%";
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        document.getElementById("mySidenav").style.width = "0";
    // Projection
    var projection      =   d3.geoAlbersUsa()
        .translate([ 0,0 ]);
    var path            =   d3.geoPath( projection );
        // .projection( projection );
    // Create SVG
    var svg             =   d3.select("#chart")
        .attr("width", chart_width)
        .attr("height", chart_height);
    var zoom_map        =   d3.zoom()
        .scaleExtent([ 0.5, 3.0 ])
            [ -1000, -500 ],
            [ 1000, 500 ]
        .on( 'zoom', function(){
        // console.log( d3.event );
        var offset      =   [
        var scale       =   d3.event.transform.k * 2000;
        projection.translate( offset )
            .scale( scale );
        svg.selectAll( 'path' )
            .attr( 'd', path );
        svg.selectAll( 'circle' )
            .attr( "cx", function(d) {
                return projection([d.lon, d.lat])[0];
            .attr( "cy", function(d) {
                return projection([d.lon, d.lat])[1];
    var map             =   svg.append( 'g' )
        .attr( 'id', 'map' )
        .call( zoom_map )
                .translate( chart_width / 2, chart_height / 2 )
                .scale( 1 )
    map.append( 'rect' )
        .attr( 'x', 0 )
        .attr( 'y', 0 )
        .attr( 'width', chart_width )
        .attr( 'height', chart_height )
        .attr( 'opacity', 0 );
    // Data
    d3.json( 'data/USDepartmentofAgriculture-HoneyProduction-2013_properties.json', function( honey_data ){
            d3.min( honey_data, function(d){
                return d.honey_producing_colonies;
            d3.max( honey_data, function(d){
                return d.honey_producing_colonies;
        d3.json( 'data/us.json', function( us_data ){
            us_data.features.forEach(function(us_e, us_i){
                    if( us_e.properties.name !== h_e.state ){
                        return null;
                    us_data.features[us_i].properties.average_price_per_pound   =   parseFloat(h_e.average_price_per_pound);
            // console.log(us_data);
            map.selectAll( 'path' )
                .data( us_data.features )
                .append( 'path' )
                .attr( 'd', path )
                .attr( 'fill', function( d ){
                    var average_price_per_pound         =   d.properties.average_price_per_pound;
                    return average_price_per_pound ? color( average_price_per_pound ) : '#525252';
                .attr( 'stroke', '#fff' )
                .attr( 'stroke-width', 1 );
            // draw_cities();
    // function draw_cities(){
    //     d3.json( 'data/us-cities.json', function( city_data ){
    //         map.selectAll("circle")
    //             .data(city_data)
    //             .enter()
    //             .append( "circle" )
    //             .style( "fill", "#9D497A" )
    //             .style( "opacity", 0.8 )
    //             .attr( 'cx', function( d ){
    //                 return projection([ d.lon, d.lat ])[0];
    //             })
    //             .attr( 'cy', function( d ){
    //                 return projection([ d.lon, d.lat ])[1];
    //             })
    //             .attr( 'r', function(d){
    //                 return Math.sqrt( parseInt(d.population) * 0.00005 );
    //             })
    //             .append( 'title' )
    //             .text(function(d){
    //                 return d.city;
    //             });
    //     });
    // }
    d3.selectAll( '#buttons button.panning' ).on( 'click', function(){
        var x           =   0;
        var y           =   0;
        var distance    =   100;
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        }else if( direction === "down" ){
            y           -=  distance; // Decrease y offset
        }else if( direction === "left" ){
            x           +=  distance; // Increase x offset
        }else if( direction === "right" ){
            x           -=  distance; // Decrease x offset
            .call( zoom_map.translateBy, x, y );
    d3.selectAll( '#buttons button.zooming' ).on( 'click', function(){
        var scale       =   1;
        var direction   =   d3.select(this).attr("class").replace( 'zooming ', '' );
        if( direction === "in" ){
            scale       =  1.25;
        }else if(direction === "out"){
            scale       =  0.75;
            .call(zoom_map.scaleBy, scale);


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    1 回复  |  直到 5 年前
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  •   Gonçalo Peres    5 年前


        const x = d3.scaleLinear()
            .rangeRound([600, 860]);
        const g = svg.append("g")
            .attr("transform", "translate(0,40)");
            .data(color.range().map(d => color.invertExtent(d)))
            .attr("height", 8)
            .attr("x", d => x(d[0]))
            .attr("width", d => x(d[1]) - x(d[0]))
            .attr("fill", d => color(d[0]));
            .attr("class", "caption")
            .attr("x", x.range()[0])
            .attr("y", -6)
            .attr("fill", "#fff")
            .attr("text-anchor", "start")
            .attr("font-weight", "bold")
            .text('Average Price per Pound (cents)');
            .tickFormat(( honey_data, function(d){
                return d.average_price_per_pound;
            .tickValues(color.range().slice(1).map(d => color.invertExtent(d)[0])))
            .data(honey_data, function(d){
                return d.average_price_per_pound;
            .attr("fill", d => color(d.average_price_per_pound))
            .attr("d", path)
            .text(d => (d.average_price_per_pound));
            .datum(honey_data, function(d){
                return d.average_price_per_pound;
            .attr("fill", "none")
            .attr("stroke", "white")
            .attr("stroke-linejoin", "round")
            .attr("d", path);