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ML.NET LearningPipeline总是有10行

  •  1
  • mikelus  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    我注意到,在情感分析示例项目中,无论测试或培训模型中有多少数据,Microsoft.ml.Legacy.LearningPipeline.Row Count始终为10。

    https://github.com/dotnet/samples/blob/master/machine learning/tutorials/motionalanalysis.sln


    var pipeline=new learningpipeline();
    pipeline.add(new textloader(_datapath).createfrom<motiondata>());
    pipeline.add(new textfeautherizer(“features”,“motionText”));
    pipeline.add(new fasttreebinaryClassifier()numLeaves=50,numTrees=50,mindDocumentsInLeafs=20);
    < /代码> 




    // LearningPipeline allows you to add steps in order to keep everything together 
            // during the learning process.  
            // <Snippet5>
            var pipeline = new LearningPipeline();
            // </Snippet5>
            // The TextLoader loads a dataset with comments and corresponding postive or negative sentiment. 
            // When you create a loader, you specify the schema by passing a class to the loader containing
            // all the column names and their types. This is used to create the model, and train it. 
            // <Snippet6>
            pipeline.Add(new TextLoader(_dataPath).CreateFrom<SentimentData>());
            // </Snippet6>
            // TextFeaturizer is a transform that is used to featurize an input column. 
            // This is used to format and clean the data.
            // <Snippet7>
            pipeline.Add(new TextFeaturizer("Features", "SentimentText"));
            // Adds a FastTreeBinaryClassifier, the decision tree learner for this project, and 
            // three hyperparameters to be used for tuning decision tree performance.
            // <Snippet8>
            pipeline.Add(new FastTreeBinaryClassifier() { NumLeaves = 50, NumTrees = 50, MinDocumentsInLeafs = 20 });
            // </Snippet8>

    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
  •  2
  •   Gal Oshri    6 年前


    读取整个培训数据并在其上运行所有转换非常昂贵,只有当您 .Train() . 由于转换只在几行上操作,因此在对整个数据集进行操作时,它们的效果可能会有所不同(例如,文本字典可能会更大),但希望在运行整个培训过程之前预览显示的数据有助于调试,并确保将转换应用到正确的列中。NS。

    如果你对如何使这个更清楚或更有用有任何想法,如果你能在 GitHub !
