class UcWidgetFormSchema extends sfWidgetFormSchema
* An associative array with all the fieldsets
* <code>
* array(
* "fieldset1" => array("fieldName1", "fieldName2"),
* "fieldset2" => array("fieldName3", "fieldName4"),
* )
* </code>
* @var array
private $fieldsets;
* A fieldset-compatible constructor.
* @param mixed $fields Initial fields. Values can be given this way:
* <code>
* array(
* "fieldset1" => array(
* "field1" => $widget1,
* "field2" => $widget2
* )
* "fieldset1" => array(
* "field3" => $widget3,
* "field4" => $widget4,
* "field5" => $widget5
* )
* "message" => $widget6
* )
* </code>
* @param array $options An array of options
* @param array $attributes An array of default HTML attributes
* @param array $labels An array of HTML labels
* @param array $helps An array of help texts
public function __construct($fields = null, $options = array(),
$attributes = array(), $labels = array(), $helps = array())
$this->addOption('name_format', '%s');
$this->addOption('form_formatter', null);
parent::__construct($options, $attributes);
if (is_array($fields))
$fieldsets = array();
foreach ($fields as $name => $value)
if (is_array($value))
$fieldsets[$name] = array_keys($value);
foreach ($value as $valueName=> $valueWidget)
$this[$valueName] = $valueWidget;
$this[$name] = $value;
else if (null !== $fields)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('sfWidgetFormSchema constructor takes an array of sfWidget objects.');
$this->helps = $helps;
* Setter for the fieldsets
* @param array $fieldsets an associative array
* @return null
public function setFieldsets(array $fieldsets)
$fieldNames = array();
foreach ($fieldsets as $fieldset => $fieldsetFieldNames)
$fieldNames = array_merge($fieldNames, $fieldsetFieldNames);
$availableFieldsNames = array_keys($this->getFields());
if ($diff = array_diff(array_unique($fieldNames), $fieldNames))
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'A field can only be used once in all fieldset. These do not: ' .
implode(', ', $diff));
if ($diff = array_diff($fieldNames, $availableFieldsNames))
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'Widget schema does not include the following field(s): ' .
implode(', ', $diff));
$this->fieldsets = $fieldsets;
public function render($name, $values = array(), $attributes = array(), $errors = array())
if(!$this->getFormFormatter() instanceof FieldsettedFormFormatterInterface )
throw new LogicException('The formatter you are using must implement FieldsettedFormFormatterInterface');
if (null === $values)
$values = array();
if (!is_array($values) && !$values instanceof ArrayAccess)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('You must pass an array of values to render a widget schema');
$formFormat = $this->getFormFormatter();
$groups = array();
$hiddenRows = array();
$errorRows = array();
$lonelyFields = $this->getPositions();
$lonelyRows = array();
// render each field
foreach ($this->fieldsets as $fieldset => $fieldNames)
$rows = array();
foreach ($fieldNames as $name)
$lonelyFields = array_diff($lonelyFields, array($name));
$widget = $this[$name];
$value = isset($values[$name]) ? $values[$name] : null;
$error = isset($errors[$name]) ? $errors[$name] : array();
$widgetAttributes = isset($attributes[$name]) ? $attributes[$name] : array();
if ($widget instanceof sfWidgetForm && $widget->isHidden())
$hiddenRows[] = $this->renderField($name, $value, $widgetAttributes);
$field = $this->renderField($name, $value, $widgetAttributes, $error);
// don't add a label tag and errors if we embed a form schema
$label = $widget instanceof sfWidgetFormSchema ?
$this->getFormFormatter()->generateLabelName($name) :
$error = $widget instanceof sfWidgetFormSchema ? array() : $error;
$rows[] = $formFormat->formatRow($label, $field, $error,
$groups[$fieldset] = $rows;
foreach ($lonelyFields as $name)
$widget = $this[$name];
$value = isset($values[$name]) ? $values[$name] : null;
$error = isset($errors[$name]) ? $errors[$name] : array();
$widgetAttributes = isset($attributes[$name]) ? $attributes[$name] : array();
if ($widget instanceof sfWidgetForm && $widget->isHidden())
$hiddenRows[] = $this->renderField($name, $value, $widgetAttributes);
$field = $this->renderField($name, $value, $widgetAttributes, $error);
// don't add a label tag and errors if we embed a form schema
$label = $widget instanceof sfWidgetFormSchema ?
$this->getFormFormatter()->generateLabelName($name) :
$error = $widget instanceof sfWidgetFormSchema ? array() : $error;
$lonelyRows[] = strtr($formFormat
->formatRow($label, $field, $error, $this->getHelp($name)),
array('%hidden_fields%' => ''));
$html = '';
if ($groups)
// insert hidden fields in the last row
$i = 0;
$maxGroup = count($groups);
foreach ($groups as $fieldset => $group)
for ($j = 0, $max = count($group); $j < $max; $j++)
$group[$j] = strtr($group[$j], array('%hidden_fields%' =>
(($i == $maxGroup -1) && $j == $max - 1) ?
implode("\n", $hiddenRows) : ''));
$html .= $this->getFormFormatter()
->formatFieldSet($fieldset, implode('', $group));
// only hidden fields
$lonelyRows[] = implode("\n", $hiddenRows);
$html .= implode('', $lonelyRows);
return $this->getFormFormatter()
->formatErrorRow($this->getGlobalErrors($errors)) . $html;
interface FieldsettedFormFormatterInterface
* This method will be used to render a fieldset
* @param string $name the name of the widget
* @param string $widgets the widgets html
* @return string the html for the fieldset
public function formatFieldset($name, $widgets);