// When creating the attribute on your text store. Assumes you have the URL already.
// Filled in for convenience
NSRange urlRange = [tmpString rangeOfString:@"http://www.foo.com/"];
[self.textStore addAttribute:(NSString*)kCTForegroundColorAttributeName value:(id)[UIColor blueColor].CGColor range:urlRange];
[self.textStore addAttribute:@"CustomLinkAddress" value:urlString range:urlRange];
// Touch handling code â Uses gesture recognizers, not old school touch handling.
// This is just a dump of code actually in use, read through it, ask questions if you
// don't understand it. I'll do my best to put it in context.
- (void)receivedTap:(UITapGestureRecognizer*)tapRecognizer
CGPoint point = [tapRecognizer locationInView:self];
if(CGRectContainsPoint(textRect, point))
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
point.y = CGRectGetHeight(self.contentView.bounds) - kCellNameLabelHeight - point.y;
CFArrayRef lines = CTFrameGetLines(ctframe);
CFIndex lineCount = CFArrayGetCount(lines);
CGPoint origins[lineCount];
CTFrameGetLineOrigins(ctframe, CFRangeMake(0, 0), origins);
for(CFIndex idx = 0; idx < lineCount; idx++)
CTLineRef line = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(lines, idx);
CGRect lineBounds = CTLineGetImageBounds(line, context);
lineBounds.origin.y += origins[idx].y;
if(CGRectContainsPoint(lineBounds, point))
CFArrayRef runs = CTLineGetGlyphRuns(line);
for(CFIndex j = 0; j < CFArrayGetCount(runs); j++)
CTRunRef run = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(runs, j);
NSDictionary* attributes = (NSDictionary*)CTRunGetAttributes(run);
NSString* urlString = [attributes objectForKey:@"CustomLinkAddress"];
if(urlString && ![urlString isEqualToString:@""])
[self.delegate didReceiveURL:[NSURL URLWithString:urlString]];