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Haskell operator vs function precedence

  •  35
  • Boris  · 技术社区  · 14 年前

    I am trying to verify something for myself about operator and function precedence in Haskell. For instance, the following code

    list = map foo $ xs

    can be rewritten as

    list = (map foo) $ (xs)

    and will eventually be

    list = map foo xs

    My question used to be, why the first formulation would not be rewritten as

    list = (map foo $) xs

    since function precedence is always higher than operator precedence, but I think that I have found the answer: operators are simply not allowed to be arguments of functions (except of course, if you surround them with parentheses). 这是对的吗?If so, I find it odd, that there is no mention of this mechanic/rule in RWH or Learn you a Haskell, or any of the other places that I have searched. So if you know a place, where the rule is stated, please link to it.


    ($) (map foo) (xs)


    5 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   John L    14 年前

    你是对的。此规则是Haskell语法定义的一部分。 Haskell Report . 特别地,请注意第3节中的表达式,即函数应用程序的参数(AN) fexp )必须是 aexp . AEXP允许运算符作为节的一部分,也允许在带圆括号的表达式中,但不允许使用裸运算符。

    map foo $ xs ,haskell语法意味着它被解析为两个表达式,应用于二进制运算符。 $ . As sepp2k notes, the syntax (map foo $) is a left section and has a different meaning.


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  •   K.Karamazen    6 年前

    Firstly, application (whitespace) is the highest precedence "operator".


    2 `f` x

    (+) 2 3

    So, your question is a bit confused.

    Prelude> :info ($)
    ($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b   -- Defined in GHC.Base
    infixr 0 $
    Prelude> :info (+)
    class (Eq a, Show a) => Num a where
      (+) :: a -> a -> a
    infixl 6 +

    Showing both precedence and associativity.

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  •   mucaho    9 年前

    In addition to the information provided by other answers already, note that different operators can have different precedences over other operators, as well as being left-/right- or non-associative. You can find these properties for the Prelude operators in the Haskell 98 Report fixity section .

    | Prec-  |   Left associative   |    Non-associative    | Right associative |
    | edence |      operators       |       operators       |    operators      |
    | 9      | !!                   |                       | .                 |
    | 8      |                      |                       | ^, ^^, **         |
    | 7      | *, /, `div`,         |                       |                   |
    |        | `mod`, `rem`, `quot` |                       |                   |
    | 6      | +, -                 |                       |                   |
    | 5      |                      |                       | :, ++             |
    | 4      |                      | ==, /=, <, <=, >, >=, |                   |
    |        |                      | `elem`, `notElem`     |                   |
    | 3      |                      |                       | &&                |
    | 2      |                      |                       | ||                |
    | 1      | >>, >>=              |                       |                   |
    | 0      |                      |                       | $, $!, `seq`      |

    Any operator lacking a fixity declaration is assumed to be left associative with precedence 9 .

    记住,函数应用具有最高优先级(考虑优先级) 10 与表中的其他优先级相比) [1] .

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  •   Paul Kuliniewicz    14 年前

    The difference is that infix operators get placed between their arguments, so this

    list = map foo $ xs

    can be rewritten in prefix form as

    list = ($) (map foo) xs

    which, by the definition of the $ operator, is simply

    list = (map foo) xs
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  •   sepp2k    14 年前

    Operators can be passed as function arguments if you surround them with parenthesis (i.e. map foo ($) xs , which would indeed be passed as (map foo ($)) xs )但是,如果您没有用括号括起来,那么您就可以正确地认为它们不能作为参数(或分配给变量)传递。

    Also note that the syntax (someValue $) (何处) $ could be any operator) actually means something different: it is equivalent to \x -> someValue $ x , i.e. it partially applies the operator to its left operand (which in case of $ is a noop of course). 同样地 ($ x) partially applies the operator to the right operand. 所以 map ($ x) [f, g, h] would evaluate to [f x, g x, h x] .
