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  • franco  · 技术社区  · 4 年前

    我使用了postgresql 10和spring boot




    我想在java中只使用一个查询来加载树,而不使用循环。 java的结果是 ResponseEntity<List<UnitDTO>>


        public ResponseEntity<List<UnitDTO>> getAllUnitsBook(Pageable pageable, @RequestParam(name="lang", required=false) String lang,
        @RequestParam(name="emp", required=false) String empID) {
            log.debug("REST request to get a page of Units");
            Page<UnitDTO> page = unitService.findAllUnitBook(pageable, lang,empID);
            HttpHeaders headers = PaginationUtil.generatePaginationHttpHeaders(page, "/api/unitsBook");
            return ResponseEntity.ok().headers(headers).body(page.getContent());


    public List<UnitDTO> getUnitBookList(Pageable pageable, String lang,String empID) {
            List<UnitDTO> list=unitRepository.findUnitList(pageable, lang,empID);
            List<UnitDTO> unitChildList=getChildrenUnitList(list,lang,pageable,empID);
            return unitChildList;
    private List<UnitDTO> getChildrenUnitList(
            List<UnitDTO> unitList, String lang,Pageable pageable,String empID) {
         for(UnitDTO UnitDTO : unitList) {
             List<UnitDTO> childrenListEntity = unitRepository.findUnitByParentId(pageable, lang,UnitDTO.getValue(),empID);
            return unitList;


      public List<UnitDTO> findUnitList(Pageable pageable, String lang,String empID) {
        String querystr = "SELECT ";
        querystr += " unl.name AS text ,";
        querystr += " un.id AS value ,";
        querystr += " ,cast( 0 as varchar(10) ) as favoriteNbr,cast( null as varchar(10) ) as favoriteId ";
        querystr += " FROM public.unit un ";
        querystr += " LEFT OUTER JOIN public.unitlang unl ON unl.unit_id = un.id ";
        querystr += " Where unl.lang = :lang  parentid is null  order by app_order asc";
        log.debug("-- Query:" + querystr);
        Query query = em.createNativeQuery(querystr, "UnitDTOMap");
        query.setParameter("lang", lang);
        List<UnitDTO> unitDTOs = query.getResultList();
        if (pageable.isUnpaged()) {
          return unitDTOs;
        return unitDTOs;
      public List<UnitDTO> findUnitByParentId(Pageable pageable, String lang, String idParent,String empID) {
        log.debug("-- pageable:" + pageable.getPageNumber() + ", Size:" + pageable.getPageSize() + ", isUnpaged:" + pageable.isUnpaged() + ", lang:" + lang);
        lang = lang.toUpperCase();
        String querystr = "SELECT ";
        querystr += " unl.name AS text ,";
        querystr += " un.id AS value ,"; 
        querystr += " (case when cast((select count(*) from employee where employee.unit_id = un.id) as varchar(10)) != '0'  then cast(1 as Boolean)  else cast(0 as BOOLEAN) end) as disabled";
        querystr += " ,cast( 0 as varchar(10) ) as favoriteNbr,cast( null as varchar(10) ) as favoriteId ";
        querystr += " FROM unit un ";
        querystr += " LEFT OUTER JOIN unitlang unl ON unl.unit_id = un.id ";
        querystr += " Where unl.lang = :lang  and un.parentid = :idParent order by app_order asc ";
        log.debug("-- Query:" + querystr);
        Query query = em.createNativeQuery(querystr, "UnitBookDTOMap");
        query.setParameter("lang", lang);
        query.setParameter("idParent", idParent);
        List<UnitDTO> unitDTOs = query.getResultList();
        log.debug("-- unitDTOs Size:" + unitDTOs.size());
        if (pageable.isUnpaged()) {
          return unitDTOs;
        return unitDTOs;


    我尝试使用递归查询,但问题是树显示不正确。 所有单元都在同一层。 我认为这行WHERE id=:id中的问题家长我评论它是因为我找不到如何发送它

      public List<UnitDTO> getUnitBookList(Pageable pageable, String lang) {
                    List<UnitDTO> list=unitRepository.findUnitList(pageable, lang);
                  //  List<UnitBookDTO> unitChildList=getChildrenUnitList(list,lang,pageable);
                    return list;
          public List<UnitDTO> findUnitList(Pageable pageable, String lang) {
            log.debug("-- pageable:" + pageable.getPageNumber() + ", Size:" + pageable.getPageSize() + ", isUnpaged:" + pageable.isUnpaged() + ", lang:" + lang);
            lang = lang.toUpperCase();
            String querystr = "WITH RECURSIVE un_id AS ( ";
            querystr += " SELECT id";
            querystr += "  FROM unit ";
      //  querystr += " WHERE id = :idParent";
        querystr += " UNION";
            querystr += " SELECT unit.id";
            querystr += " FROM unit JOIN un_id ON unit.parentid = un_id.id )  ";
            querystr += " SELECT unl.name                          AS text, un.id                             AS value, (case   when cast((select count(*) from employee where employee.unit_id = un.id) as varchar(10)) != '0' ";
            querystr += " then cast(1 as Boolean)   else cast(0 as BOOLEAN) end) as disabled , cast(0 as varchar(10))            as favoriteNbr,";
            querystr += " cast(null as varchar(10))         as favoriteId FROM un_id JOIN unit un USING (id) LEFT OUTER JOIN unitlang unl ON unl.unit_id = un.id Where unl.lang = :lang order by app_order asc";
            log.debug("-- Query:" + querystr);
            Query query = em.createNativeQuery(querystr, "UnitDTOMap");
            query.setParameter("lang", lang);
            List<UnitDTO> unitDTOs = query.getResultList();
            log.debug("-- unitDTOs Size:" + unitDTOs.size());
            if (pageable.isUnpaged()) {
              return unitDTOs;
            return unitDTOs;
    0 回复  |  直到 4 年前
  •  2
  •   xehpuk    4 年前

    在SQL中获取树的常用方法是使用递归 Common Table Expression (CTE) :

        SELECT id
        FROM unit
        WHERE id = :idParent -- or parentid if you want to exclude the parent itself
        SELECT unit.id
        FROM unit
        JOIN un_id
            ON unit.parentid = un_id.id
    SELECT unl.name                          AS text,
           un.id                             AS value,
                when cast((select count(*) from employee where employee.unit_id = un.id) as varchar(10)) != '0'
                    then cast(1 as Boolean)
                else cast(0 as BOOLEAN) end) as disabled
           cast(0 as varchar(10))            as favoriteNbr,
           cast(null as varchar(10))         as favoriteId
    FROM un_id -- reference to the CTE
    JOIN unit un
        USING (id)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN unitlang unl ON unl.unit_id = un.id
    Where unl.lang = :lang
    order by app_order asc
