Here is a very basic applet that demonstrates the same tests in the context of an iOS app
** Test With Delegate
main init
main creating a new timer
timer init
timer changing the delegate from nil to Optional(__lldb_expr_21.EventClass)
timer resume
timer create GCD object
main callback count: 0
main callback count: 1
main callback count: 2
main callback count: 3
main callback count: 4
main deleting the timer
timer invalidate
main callback count: 5
timer changing the delegate from Optional(__lldb_expr_21.EventClass) to nil
timer deinit
** Done
** Test Without Delegate
main init
main creating a new timer
timer init
timer resume
timer create GCD object
main deleting the timer
timer invalidate
timer deinit
** Done
main deinit
import Foundation
/* ################################################################## */
This is the basic callback protocol for the general-purpose GCD timer class. It has one simple required method.
public protocol BasicGCDTimerDelegate: class {
/* ############################################################## */
Called periodically, as the GCDTimer repeats (or fires once).
- parameter inTimer: The BasicGCDTimer instance that is invoking the callback.
func timerCallback(_ inTimer: BasicGCDTimer)
/* ################################################################## */
This is a general-purpose GCD timer class.
It requires that an owning instance register a delegate to receive callbacks.
public class BasicGCDTimer {
/* ############################################################## */
// MARK: - Private Enums
/* ############################################################## */
/// This is used to hold state flags for internal use.
private enum _State {
/// The timer is currently invalid.
case _invalid
/// The timer is currently paused.
case _suspended
/// The timer is firing.
case _running
/* ############################################################## */
// MARK: - Private Instance Properties
/* ############################################################## */
/// This holds our current run state.
private var _state: _State = ._invalid
/// This holds a Boolean that is true, if we are to only fire once (default is false, which means we repeat).
private var _onlyFireOnce: Bool = false
/// This contains the actual dispatch timer object instance.
private var _timerVar: DispatchSourceTimer!
/// This is the contained delegate instance
private weak var _delegate: BasicGCDTimerDelegate?
/* ############################################################## */
This dynamically initialized calculated property will return (or create and return) a basic GCD timer that (probably) repeats.
It uses the current queue.
private var _timer: DispatchSourceTimer! {
if nil == _timerVar { // If we don't already have a timer, we create one. Otherwise, we simply return the already-instantiated object.
print("timer create GCD object")
_timerVar = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource() // We make a generic, default timer source. No frou-frou.
let leeway = DispatchTimeInterval.milliseconds(leewayInMilliseconds) // If they have provided a leeway, we apply it here. We assume milliseconds.
_timerVar.setEventHandler(handler: _eventHandler) // We reference our own internal event handler.
_timerVar.schedule(deadline: .now() + timeIntervalInSeconds, // The number of seconds each iteration of the timer will take.
repeating: (_onlyFireOnce ? 0 : timeIntervalInSeconds), // If we are repeating (default), we add our duration as the repeating time. Otherwise (only fire once), we set 0.
leeway: leeway) // Add any leeway we specified.
return _timerVar
/* ############################################################## */
// MARK: - Private Instance Methods
/* ############################################################## */
This is our internal event handler that is called directly from the timer.
private func _eventHandler() {
delegate?.timerCallback(self) // Assuming that we have a delegate, we call its handler method.
if _onlyFireOnce { // If we are set to only fire once, we nuke from orbit.
/* ############################################################## */
// MARK: - Public Instance Properties
/* ############################################################## */
/// This is the time between fires, in seconds.
public var timeIntervalInSeconds: TimeInterval = 0
/// This is how much "leeway" we give the timer, in milliseconds.
public var leewayInMilliseconds: Int = 0
/* ############################################################## */
// MARK: - Public Calculated Properties
/* ############################################################## */
- returns: true, if the timer is invalid. READ ONLY
public var isInvalid: Bool {
return ._invalid == _state
/* ############################################################## */
- returns: true, if the timer is currently running. READ ONLY
public var isRunning: Bool {
return ._running == _state
/* ############################################################## */
- returns: true, if the timer will only fire one time (will return false after that one fire). READ ONLY
public var isOnlyFiringOnce: Bool {
return _onlyFireOnce
/* ############################################################## */
- returns: the delegate object. READ/WRITE
public var delegate: BasicGCDTimerDelegate? {
get {
return _delegate
set {
if _delegate !== newValue {
print("timer changing the delegate from \(String(describing: delegate)) to \(String(describing: newValue))")
_delegate = newValue
/* ############################################################## */
// MARK: - Deinitializer
/* ############################################################## */
We have to carefully dismantle this, as we can end up with crashes if we don't clean up properly.
deinit {
print("timer deinit")
/* ############################################################## */
// MARK: - Public Methods
/* ############################################################## */
Default constructor
- parameter timeIntervalInSeconds: The time (in seconds) between fires.
- parameter leewayInMilliseconds: Any leeway. This is optional, and default is zero (0).
- parameter delegate: Our delegate, for callbacks. Optional. Default is nil.
- parameter onlyFireOnce: If true, then this will only fire one time, as opposed to repeat. Optional. Default is false.
public init(timeIntervalInSeconds inTimeIntervalInSeconds: TimeInterval,
leewayInMilliseconds inLeewayInMilliseconds: Int = 0,
delegate inDelegate: BasicGCDTimerDelegate? = nil,
onlyFireOnce inOnlyFireOnce: Bool = false) {
print("timer init")
self.timeIntervalInSeconds = inTimeIntervalInSeconds
self.leewayInMilliseconds = inLeewayInMilliseconds
self.delegate = inDelegate
self._onlyFireOnce = inOnlyFireOnce
/* ############################################################## */
If the timer is not currently running, we resume. If running, nothing happens.
public func resume() {
if ._running != self._state {
print("timer resume")
self._state = ._running
self._timer.resume() // Remember that this could create a timer on the spot.
/* ############################################################## */
If the timer is currently running, we suspend. If not running, nothing happens.
public func pause() {
if ._running == self._state {
print("timer suspend")
self._state = ._suspended
/* ############################################################## */
This completely nukes the timer. It resets the entire object to default.
public func invalidate() {
if ._invalid != _state, nil != _timerVar {
print("timer invalidate")
delegate = nil
_timerVar.setEventHandler(handler: nil)
if ._suspended == _state { // If we were suspended, then we need to call resume one more time.
print("timer one for the road")
_onlyFireOnce = false
timeIntervalInSeconds = 0
leewayInMilliseconds = 0
_state = ._invalid
_timerVar = nil
// Testing class.
class EventClass: BasicGCDTimerDelegate {
var instanceCount: Int = 0 // How many times we've been called.
var timer: BasicGCDTimer? // Our timer object.
let iAmADelegate: Bool
// Just prints the count.
func timerCallback(_ inTimer: BasicGCDTimer) {
print("main callback count: \(instanceCount)")
instanceCount += 1
// Set the parameter to false to remove the delegate registration.
init(registerAsADelegate inRegisterAsADelegate: Bool = true) {
print("main init")
iAmADelegate = inRegisterAsADelegate
isRunning = true
// This won't get called if we register as a delegate.
deinit {
print("main deinit")
timer = nil
isRunning = false
// This will create and initialize a new timer, if we don't have one. If we turn it off, it will destroy the timer.
var isRunning: Bool {
get {
return nil != timer
set {
if !isRunning && newValue {
print("main creating a new timer")
timer = BasicGCDTimer(timeIntervalInSeconds: 1.0, leewayInMilliseconds: 200, delegate: iAmADelegate ? self : nil)
} else if isRunning && !newValue {
print("main deleting the timer")
timer?.invalidate() // If you comment out this line, the timer will keep firing, even though we dereference it.
// MARK: -
timer = nil
// We instantiate an instance of the test, register it as a delegate, then wait six seconds. We will see updates.
print("** Test With Delegate") // We will not get a deinit after this one.
let iAmADelegate: EventClass = EventClass()
// We create a timer, then wait six seconds. After that, we stop/delete the timer, and create a new one, without a delegate.
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 6) {
iAmADelegate.isRunning = false
print("** Done") // We will not get a deinit after this one.
print("\n** Test Without Delegate")
// Do it again, but this time, don't register as a delegate (it will be quiet).
let iAmNotADelegate: EventClass = EventClass(registerAsADelegate: false)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 6) {
iAmNotADelegate.isRunning = false
print("** Done") // We will get a deinit after this one.