#include "InteruptHandler.c"
void main(){
while(){ //No proper argument yet. for fetch-decode-execute cycle
opcode = fetchInstruction();
decodeandExecuteInstruction(opcode); //Lets say an instruction is executed and it enabled the IME_flag. that is IME_flag = ENABLED
//Check if ime_flag is enabled. processInterupt if true.
isInteruptEnabled() ? processInterupts(): 0; //This would fall true.
bitmask = 0x01;
//Check each bit for interupt. Bitmask will go 0x00 if the value 0x80 is shifted by 1
for(; bitmask ; bitmask = bitmask << 1){
//CHeck if IE and IF flag for corresponding interupt is set. process interupt if set
IE_flag & bitmask ? (IF_flag & bitmask ? determineInterupt(bitmask) : 0) : 0;
//push the next instruction address to stack pointer
//Set PC into corresponding interupt address
//code below is my problem. I stumbled upon how would I end this function and I came up to determining when an interupt routine ends.
//I came up with the reti function.
//But after realizing that I already set the PC somewhere above this code, I just need to discard this code and let the main function do its instruction cycling.
//Thanks to @duskwuff for pointing that out.
//I just added some code to end the bitmask checking when it sees 1 interupt request and is most priotiry.
//Also thanks to @Ped7g for giving me more information about the complexity of interupt handling. I'm not yet seeing where I should implement those. There are still so many thing to implement and yet to know when this excatly can happen.
//My question has been answered nevertheless, which is to end a function code blocks that I discarded at the end :)
//process the corresponding interupt
opcode = fetchInstruction();
}while (opcode != RETI)