{'a': {'b': {'c': {'_': '_'}}}, 'b': {'a': {'x': {'_': '_'}, 'r': {'_': '_', 'z': {'_': '_'}}, 'z': {'_': '_'}}}, 'h': {'e': {'l': {'l': {'o': {'_': '_'}}}}}}
# Make My trie
def make_trie(*args):
Make a trie by given words.
trie = {}
for word in args:
if type(word) != str:
raise TypeError("Trie only works on str!")
temp_trie = trie
for letter in word:
temp_trie = temp_trie.setdefault(letter, {})
temp_trie = temp_trie.setdefault('_', '_')
return trie
# Is a word in the trie
def in_trie(trie, word):
Detect if word in trie.
:param word:
:param trie:
if type(word) != str:
raise TypeError("Trie only works on str!")
temp_trie = trie
for letter in word:
if letter not in temp_trie:
return False
temp_trie = temp_trie[letter]
return True
# add to the trie
def add(trie, *args):
for word in args:
if type(word) != str:
raise TypeError("Trie only works on str!")
temp_trie = trie
for letter in word:
temp_trie = temp_trie.setdefault(letter, {})
temp_trie = temp_trie.setdefault('_', '_')
return trie
# My Attempt to list out words
def list(obj, text, words):
str = ""
temp_trie = obj
for index, word in enumerate(temp_trie):
if __name__ == '__main__':
trie = make_trie('hello', 'abc', 'baz', 'bar', 'barz')
# print(trie)
# get_file()
words = []
# list(trie, "", words)
print(in_trie(trie, 'bar'))
print(in_trie(trie, 'bab'))
print(in_trie(trie, 'zzz'))
add(trie, "bax")
print(in_trie(trie, 'bax'))
print(in_trie(trie, 'baz'))
list(trie, "", 'hello')