public interface IShareSpaceGateway {
IEnumerable<ShareSpace> GetSharedSpaces(string spaceToShare, string emailToShareIt);
public class ShareSpaceGatewayEF: IShareSpaceGateway
// MySpacesShared should be included up here, not sure what type it is
public IEnumerable<ShareSpace> GetSharedSpaces(string spaceToShare, string emailToShareIt)
if (!this.MySpacesShared.IsLoaded)
return this.MySpacesShared.Any(s => (s.EmailAddress == emailToShareIt)
& (s.SpaceName == spaceToShare));
现在,您希望能够注入对IShareSpaceGateway的新依赖项。使用依赖注入的最佳方法是使用DI容器,如Castle Windsor、结构图、Ninject或Unity。我假设你的代码在这里是什么样子的:
public class Account
private ISharedSpaceGateway _sharedSpaceGateway;
public Account(ISharedSpaceGateway sharedSpaceGateway)
_sharedSpaceGateway = sharedSpaceGateway;
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Key1 { get; set; }
public string Key2 { get; set; }
public string AccountName { get; set; }
public void ShareSpace(string spaceToShare,string emailToShareIt)
SharedSpace shareSpace = new SharedSpace();
shareSpace.InvitationCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
shareSpace.DateSharedStarted = DateTime.Now;
shareSpace.Expiration = DateTime.Now.AddYears(DefaultShareExpirationInYears);
shareSpace.Active = true;
shareSpace.SpaceName = spaceToShare;
shareSpace.EmailAddress = emailToShareIt;
var sharedSpaces = sharedSpaceGateway.GetSharedSpaces(spaceToShare, emailToShareIt);
if(sharedSpaces.Count() > 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot share the a space with a user twice.");
public class TestFixture{
private ISharedSpaceGateway gateway;
public void MyTestInitialize()
gateway = MockRepository.CreateMock<ISharedSpaceGateway>();
gateway.Expect(g => g.GetSharedSpaces("spaceName", "user1@domain.com"))
.Return(new SharedSpace()); // whatever you want to return from the fake call
user = new User()
Active = true,
Name = "Main User",
UserID = 1,
EmailAddress = "user1@userdomain.com",
OpenID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
account = new Account(gateway) // inject the fake object
Key1 = "test1",
Key2 = "test2",
AccountName = "Brief Account Description",
ID = 1,
Owner = user
public void Cannot_Share_SameSpace_with_same_userEmail_Twice()
account.ShareSpace("spaceName", "user1@domain.com");
account.ShareSpace("spaceName", "user1@domain.com");
Assert.Fail("Should throw exception when same space is shared with same user.");
catch (InvalidOperationException)
{ /* Expected */ }
Assert.AreEqual(1, account.MySpacesShared.Count);
Assert.AreSame(null, account.MySpacesShared.First().InvitedUser);