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用于短语的Regex在Java altrough中未按预期运行,已在线测试[重复]

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  • SocketM  · 技术社区  · 6 年前



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  •   castletheperson    6 年前

    ( 4castle's answer 如果您可以假设Java>=9,则比下面的更好)

     import java.util.regex.Matcher;
     import java.util.regex.Pattern;
     List<String> allMatches = new ArrayList<String>();
     Matcher m = Pattern.compile("your regular expression here")
     while (m.find()) {

    在这之后, allMatches allMatches.toArray(new String[0]) 如果你真的需要一个数组的话。

    你也可以使用 MatchResult 自从 Matcher.toMatchResult()


    for (MatchResult match : allMatches(pattern, input)) {
      // Use match, and maybe break without doing the work to find all possible matches.


    public static Iterable<MatchResult> allMatches(
          final Pattern p, final CharSequence input) {
      return new Iterable<MatchResult>() {
        public Iterator<MatchResult> iterator() {
          return new Iterator<MatchResult>() {
            // Use a matcher internally.
            final Matcher matcher = p.matcher(input);
            // Keep a match around that supports any interleaving of hasNext/next calls.
            MatchResult pending;
            public boolean hasNext() {
              // Lazily fill pending, and avoid calling find() multiple times if the
              // clients call hasNext() repeatedly before sampling via next().
              if (pending == null && matcher.find()) {
                pending = matcher.toMatchResult();
              return pending != null;
            public MatchResult next() {
              // Fill pending if necessary (as when clients call next() without
              // checking hasNext()), throw if not possible.
              if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); }
              // Consume pending so next call to hasNext() does a find().
              MatchResult next = pending;
              pending = null;
              return next;
            /** Required to satisfy the interface, but unsupported. */
            public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }


    for (MatchResult match : allMatches(Pattern.compile("[abc]"), "abracadabra")) {
      System.out.println(match.group() + " at " + match.start());


    a at 0
    b at 1
    a at 3
    c at 4
    a at 5
    a at 7
    b at 8
    a at 10
  •  73
  •   castletheperson    7 年前

    在Java9中,现在可以使用 Matcher#results() 得到一个 Stream<MatchResult> 您可以使用它来获取匹配项的列表/数组。

    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    import java.util.regex.MatchResult;
    String[] matches = Pattern.compile("your regex here")
                              .matcher("string to search from here")
                        // or .collect(Collectors.toList())
  •  25
  •   TraderJoeChicago    13 年前

    Java使得regex过于复杂,而且它不遵循perl风格。看一看 MentaRegex 要了解如何在一行Java代码中实现这一点,请执行以下操作:

    String[] matches = match("aa11bb22", "/(\\d+)/g" ); // => ["11", "22"]
  •  12
  •   walkeros    7 年前


    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexPattern);
    List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
    Matcher m = pattern.matcher(input);
    while (m.find()) {

    (如果您有更多的捕获组,可以通过它们的索引将它们作为group方法的参数引用。如果需要数组,则使用 list.toArray()

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  •   Anthony Accioly    13 年前

    Official Regex Java Trails :

            Pattern pattern = 
            Pattern.compile(console.readLine("%nEnter your regex: "));
            Matcher matcher = 
            pattern.matcher(console.readLine("Enter input string to search: "));
            boolean found = false;
            while (matcher.find()) {
                console.format("I found the text \"%s\" starting at " +
                   "index %d and ending at index %d.%n",
                    matcher.group(), matcher.start(), matcher.end());
                found = true;

    使用 find 并插入结果 group

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  •   Nikhil Kumar K    8 年前
            Set<String> keyList = new HashSet();
            Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("#\\{(.*?)\\}");
            Matcher matcher = regex.matcher("Content goes here");
            while(matcher.find()) {
            return keyList;