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  • jason m  · 技术社区  · 9 年前


    import gather_filings_per_filer
    import os
    from concurrent import futures
    def put_last_i(arg):
        with open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/last_i.txt','w') as f:
    def get_last_i():
        with open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/last_i.txt','r') as f:
                data = f.readlines()
            return data[0]
    if __name__=='__main__':
        i = int(get_last_i())
        g_f_p_f = gather_filings_per_filer.gather_filings_per()
        with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = 3) as executor:
            my_d = dict((executor.submit(g_f_p_f.mt_main),j) for j in range(i,297085))
            for future in futures.as_completed(my_d):
                print future
                print future.exception()

    g_f_p_f.mt_main 如下所示:

    class gather_filings_per:
           def mt_main(self, i):
                print "Started:",i
                self.w_m = wrap_mysql.wrap_mysql()
                flag = True
                #do stuff...


    <Future at 0x5dc2710 state=finished raised TypeError>
    mt_main() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
    <Future at 0x5dc25b0 state=finished raised TypeError>
    mt_main() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

    从我的角度来看 mt_main 仅接受1个参数(鉴于典型的 self 行为)。


    1 回复  |  直到 9 年前
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  •   ShadowRanger    9 年前

    你是对的,你只需要提供一个额外的参数 self 。但你一点都没给。所以你还差一个。拆分提交以使其视觉清晰:

    my_d = dict(  # Making a dict
                # With key as result object from invoking `mt_main` with no additional arguments
                # And value j
                for j in range(i,297085))

    也许你是想过去 j 作为论点?假设它也应该是该值,则为:

    # Note second argument to submit, which becomes only non-self argument to mt_main
    my_d = dict((executor.submit(g_f_p_f.mt_main, j),j) for j in range(i,297085))

    或者简化一针一线,因为 concurrent.futures 应该意味着你可以使用 dict comprehensions (这也将 submit 从其价值调用 : 为了更好的视觉解析):

    my_d = {executor.submit(g_f_p_f.mt_main, j): j for j in range(i, 297085)}