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  • ptownbro  · 技术社区  · 5 年前



    enter image description here

    编辑: 我已经添加了示例CREATETABLE和insert到与下面的建议相关的脚本中,以用于测试。

    create table #customers (id int, customer varchar(30));
    create table #quarters (id int, quarter varchar(30));
    create table #salesAggs (id int, customer varchar(30), quarter varchar(30), amount int);
    insert into #customers (id, customer) values (1, 'John'), (2, 'Mary'), (3, 'Kathy');
    insert into #quarters (id, quarter) values (1, 'Q1'), (2, 'Q2'), (3, 'Q3'), (4, 'Q4');
    insert into #salesAggs (id, customer, quarter, amount)
        (1, 'John', 'Q1', 10),
        (2, 'John', 'Q3', 10),
        (3, 'Mary', 'Q2', 10),
        (4, 'Kathy', 'Q1', 10)
    1 回复  |  直到 5 年前
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  •   pwilcox    5 年前


    select     c.id, c.customer, q.quarter, sa.amount
    from       quarters q
    cross join customers c
    left join  salesAggs sa on q.quarter = sa.quarter and c.id = sa.id

    select     c.id, c.customer, q.quarter, sa.amount
    from       (select distinct quarter from salesAggs) q
    cross join (select distinct id, customer from salesAggs) c
    left join  salesAggs sa on q.quarter = sa.quarter and c.id = sa.id


    select     c.id, c.customer, q.quarter, sum(s.amount) as amount
    from       quarters q
    cross join customers c
    left join  sales s on q.quarter = s.quarter and c.id = s.id 
    group by   c.id, c.customer, q.quarter



    select     c.id, c.customer, q.quarter, sa.amount
    from       #quarters q
    cross join #customers c
    left join  #salesAggs sa on q.quarter = sa.quarter and c.customer = sa.customer

    顺便说一下,您已经标记了Postgre,但似乎您正在使用Sql Server。

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  •   Gordon Linoff    5 年前

    select c.id, c.customer, q.quarter, sa.amount
    from (select distinct id, customer from salesAggs
         ) c cross join 
         (select 'Q1' as quarter union all
          select 'Q2' as quarter union all
          select 'Q3' as quarter union all
          select 'Q4' as quarter
         ) q left join 
         salesAggs sa
         on q.quarter = sa.quarter and c.id = sa.id;

    select c.id, c.customer, q.quarter, sa.amount
    from (select distinct id, customer from salesAggs
         ) c cross join 
         (values ('Q1'), ('Q2'), ('Q3'), ('Q4')
         ) q(quarter) left join 
         salesAggs sa
         on q.quarter = sa.quarter and c.id = sa.id;

    Here 是db<&燃气轮机;不停摆弄 使用Postgres