因此,我在iOS中与Go Ethereum一起玩,在尝试与部署到Rinkeby Testnet的合同交互时遇到了不少困难,我对整个区块链技术非常陌生,因此任何帮助都会受到赞赏。
Thread 1: Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: Error Domain=go Code=1 "abi: cannot unmarshal string in to []interface {}" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=abi: cannot unmarshal string in to []interface {}}
// Declare the error variables
var clientError: NSErrorPointer;
var addressError: NSErrorPointer;
var contractError: NSErrorPointer;
// Get the bindContract from Rinkeby test network.
let client = GethNewEthereumClient("https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/398ed56d211646faaf010ca183de11f2", clientError);
let contractAddress = GethNewAddressFromHex("0x7259667715d671Ee370d7788647f95Fe7C3B532d", addressError);
guard let contractABI = ReadJsonResourceAsString(fileName: "InboxContractInterface", fileType: "json") else {
print("[ViewController] failed to read the abi json as string.")
let boundContract = GethBindContract(contractAddress, contractABI, client, contractError);
// Prepare the callOpts
let callOpts = GethNewCallOpts();
// Prepare the results & params interfaces
let results = GethNewInterfaces(1);
let params = GethNewInterfaces(0);
let stringResult = GethNewInterface();
try! results?.set(0, object: stringResult);
// Make the call
let methodName = "message";
try! boundContract?.call(callOpts, out_: results, method: methodName, args: params);
// Show results.
print("[ViewController] message call result: " + (stringResult?.getString())!);
pragma solidity ^0.4.17;
contract Inbox {
string public message;
function Inbox (string initialMessage) public {
message = initialMessage;
function setMessage (string newMessage) public {
message = newMessage;