. 在这段代码中,他首先取出表,然后查询该对象。所以现在我想知道这种方法是否有什么好处。
public void PrintWinners()
// creates a data context that takes the path of the database
DataContext dc = new DataContext(@"C:\Program Files\
Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\UCL.mdf");
// retrieves a Table of Winner
Table<Winner> winners = dc.GetTable<Winner>();
// creates a sequence of winners ordered descending by the
// winning year
var result = from w in winners
orderby w.Year descending
select w;
// prints the sequence of winners
foreach (var w in result)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}, {2}",
w.Year, w.Name, w.Country);