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  • Gokarna  · 技术社区  · 2 年前


    for prof_i in range(num_profiles):  # the whole code is repeated for each profile that needs to be generated
        Tot_Classes = np.zeros(1440)  # initialise an empty daily profile that will be filled with the sum of the hourly profiles of each User instance
        for Us in User_list:  # iterates for each User instance (i.e. for each user class)
            Us.load = np.zeros(1440)  # initialise empty load for User instance
            for i in range(Us.num_users):  # iterates for every single user within a User class. Each single user has its own separate randomisation
                rand_daily_pref = 0 if Us.user_preference == 0 else random.randint(1, Us.user_preference)
                for App in Us.App_list:  # iterates for all the App types in the given User class
                # initialises variables for the cycle
                    tot_time = 0
                    App.daily_use = np.zeros(1440)
                    if ((random.uniform(0, 1) > App.occasional_use):
                       ' do something'
                        'more nested if statements'
                    while tot_time <= rand_time: #this is the key cycle, which runs for each App until the switch_ons and their duration equals the randomised total time of use of the App
                        switch_on = App.switch_on()
                        if 'some more nested statements':
                            tot_time = tot_time + indexes.size
                Us.load = Us.load + App.daily_use  # adds the App profile to the User load
        Tot_Classes = Tot_Classes + Us.load  # adds the User load to the total load of all User classes
    Profile.append(Tot_Classes)  # appends the total load to the list that will contain all the generated profiles
    print('Profile', prof_i + 1, '/', num_profiles, 'completed')  # screen update about progress of computation
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