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  •  6
  • ScalaBoy  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    当我尝试安装时 mysql-community-release ,我得到以下错误:

    # yum install mysql-community-release
    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
     * base: mirror.uv.es
     * extras: mirror.uv.es
     * updates: mirror.uv.es
    Resolving Dependencies
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package mysql-community-release.noarch 0:el7-7 will be installed
    --> Processing Conflict: mysql57-community-release-el7-11.noarch conflicts mysql-community-release
    --> Finished Dependency Resolution
    Error: mysql57-community-release conflicts with mysql-community-release-el7-7.noarch


    # yum list installed mysql\*
    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
     * base: mirror.uv.es
     * extras: mirror.uv.es
     * updates: mirror.uv.es
    Installed Packages
    mysql-community-client.x86_64                         5.7.21-1.el7                 @mysql57-community
    mysql-community-common.x86_64                         5.7.21-1.el7                 @mysql57-community
    mysql-community-devel.x86_64                          5.7.21-1.el7                 @mysql57-community
    mysql-community-embedded.x86_64                       5.7.21-1.el7                 @mysql57-community
    mysql-community-embedded-compat.x86_64                5.7.21-1.el7                 @mysql57-community
    mysql-community-embedded-devel.x86_64                 5.7.21-1.el7                 @mysql57-community
    mysql-community-libs.x86_64                           5.7.21-1.el7                 @mysql57-community
    mysql-community-libs-compat.x86_64                    5.7.21-1.el7                 @mysql57-community
    mysql-community-server.x86_64                         5.7.21-1.el7                 @mysql57-community
    mysql-community-test.x86_64                           5.7.21-1.el7                 @mysql57-community
    mysql57-community-release.noarch                      el7-11                       installed

    如何安全删除 mysql57-community-release ?

    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
  •  23
  •   Anandkumar    3 年前

    检查 #rpm -qa | grep mysql 查询列出与mysql相关的所有rpm包


    # rpm -e --nodeps mysql57-community-release

    注意:---no deps不再工作,需要是--nodeps