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  • Farhan Islam  · 技术社区  · 6 年前


        val chunksize: Int = 5242880
        val byteArray = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("/path/to/inputfile"))
        val fos = new FileOutputStream("/path/to/outputfile")
        val ret = new Array[Array[Byte]](Math.ceil(byteArray.length / chunksize.asInstanceOf[Double]).toInt, chunksize)
        var start = 0
        var i = 0
        while ( {
          i < ret.length
        }) {
          ret(i) = util.Arrays.copyOfRange(byteArray, start, start + chunksize)
          start += chunksize
          //Here is where i need to write the bytes to a file output stream so I can get a binary file of less than 5MB
            i += 1; i - 1
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