idBook guidUser bookmarkLetter letter attemptWrong isCorrect
1 1 100 a 2 0
1 1 100 a 3 0
1 1 100 a 3 1
1 1 101 b 6 0
1 1 101 b 2 0
2 2 101 b 3 0
2 3 152 d 7 0
3 3 153 e 2 0
SELECT DISTINCT w1.bookmarkletter, w1.attemptsWrong
FROM wordstyped w1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT bookmarkLetter, guidUser, idBook,
MAX(attemptsWrong) AS maxAttemptsWrong
FROM wordstyped
GROUP BY bookmarkLetter, guidUser, idBook ) w2
ON w1.bookmarkLetter = w2.bookmarkLetter AND w1.guidUser = w2.guidUser
AND w1.guidUser = '1'
AND w1.idBook ='1'
AND w1.attemptsWrong = w2.maxAttemptsWrong AND w1.bookmarkLetter >=0
AND w1.bookmarkLetter <=200 ORDER BY `w1`.`bookmarkletter` ASC
SELECT DISTINCT w1.bookmarkletter, w1.attemptsWrong, w1.isCorrect
FROM wordstyped w1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT bookmarkLetter, guidUser, idBook,
MAX(attemptsWrong) AS maxAttemptsWrong
FROM wordstyped
GROUP BY bookmarkLetter, guidUser, idBook ) w2
ON w1.bookmarkLetter = w2.bookmarkLetter AND w1.guidUser = w2.guidUser
AND w1.guidUser = '1'
AND w1.idBook ='1'
AND w1.attemptsWrong = w2.maxAttemptsWrong AND w1.bookmarkLetter >=0
AND w1.bookmarkLetter <=200 ORDER BY `w1`.`bookmarkletter` ASC
idBook guidUser bookmarkLetter letter attemptWrong isCorrect
1 1 101 b 6 0
1 1 101 b 2 0
2 2 101 b 3 0
bookmarkLetter attemptWrong isCorrect
101 6 0
idBook guidUser bookmarkLetter letter attemptWrong isCorrect
1 1 100 a 2 0
1 1 100 a 3 0
1 1 100 a 3 1
bookmarkLetter attemptWrong isCorrect
100 3 0
100 3 1
bookmarkLetter attemptWrong isCorrect
100 3 1