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  • Sasha Grievus  · 技术社区  · 6 年前


    idBook  guidUser  bookmarkLetter  letter  attemptWrong   isCorrect
    1       1         100             a       2              0
    1       1         100             a       3              0
    1       1         100             a       3              1
    1       1         101             b       6              0
    1       1         101             b       2              0
    2       2         101             b       3              0
    2       3         152             d       7              0
    3       3         153             e       2              0


    SELECT DISTINCT w1.bookmarkletter, w1.attemptsWrong
    FROM wordstyped w1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT bookmarkLetter, guidUser, idBook, 
    MAX(attemptsWrong) AS maxAttemptsWrong 
    FROM wordstyped 
    GROUP BY bookmarkLetter, guidUser, idBook ) w2 
    ON w1.bookmarkLetter = w2.bookmarkLetter AND w1.guidUser = w2.guidUser 
    AND w1.guidUser = '1' 
    AND w1.idBook ='1'
    AND w1.attemptsWrong = w2.maxAttemptsWrong AND w1.bookmarkLetter >=0
    AND w1.bookmarkLetter <=200 ORDER BY `w1`.`bookmarkletter` ASC

    就像这把小提琴 http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/238794/2

    如果将w1.isCorrect添加到示例中的第一个select语句 喜欢

    SELECT DISTINCT w1.bookmarkletter, w1.attemptsWrong, w1.isCorrect
    FROM wordstyped w1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT bookmarkLetter, guidUser, idBook, 
    MAX(attemptsWrong) AS maxAttemptsWrong 
    FROM wordstyped 
    GROUP BY bookmarkLetter, guidUser, idBook ) w2 
    ON w1.bookmarkLetter = w2.bookmarkLetter AND w1.guidUser = w2.guidUser 
    AND w1.guidUser = '1' 
    AND w1.idBook ='1'
    AND w1.attemptsWrong = w2.maxAttemptsWrong AND w1.bookmarkLetter >=0
    AND w1.bookmarkLetter <=200 ORDER BY `w1`.`bookmarkletter` ASC

    ( http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/238794/1

    idBook  guidUser  bookmarkLetter  letter  attemptWrong   isCorrect
    1       1         101             b       6              0
    1       1         101             b       2              0
    2       2         101             b       3              0


    bookmarkLetter    attemptWrong    isCorrect
    101               6               0


    idBook  guidUser  bookmarkLetter  letter  attemptWrong   isCorrect
    1       1         100             a       2              0
    1       1         100             a       3              0
    1       1         100             a       3              1


    bookmarkLetter    attemptWrong    isCorrect
    100               3               0
    100               3               1

    bookmarkLetter    attemptWrong    isCorrect
    100               3               1


    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   Fahmi    6 年前



    SELECT w1.bookmarkletter, max(w1.attemptsWrong), max(w1.isCorrect) 
      FROM wordstyped w1 INNER JOIN 
      ( SELECT bookmarkLetter, guidUser, idBook, MAX(attemptsWrong) AS maxAttemptsWrong 
        FROM wordstyped 
        GROUP BY bookmarkLetter, guidUser, idBook ) w2 
    ON w1.bookmarkLetter = w2.bookmarkLetter AND w1.guidUser = w2.guidUser 
    AND w1.guidUser = '1' 
    AND w1.idBook ='1'
    AND w1.attemptsWrong = w2.maxAttemptsWrong AND w1.bookmarkLetter >=0
    AND w1.bookmarkLetter <=200 
    group by w1.bookmarkletter
    ORDER BY `w1`.`bookmarkletter` ASC