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  • RLave  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    KFAS 套餐必须提供。

    同时 不同的事件。


    # required libraries
    y <- hyndsight # just for the example
    abline(v = c(19, 35, 47), col = "red", lwd = 2)

    enter image description here

    水平 功能:

    # Z and T component for event on pos 19
    aZ1 <- array(0, c(1, 1, length(y)))
    aZ1[1, 1, (19 + 1):length(y)] <- 1 # 1s from pos 19(+1) forward
    aT1 <- array(1, c(1, 1, length(y)))
    # Z and T component for event on pos 35
    aZ2 <- array(0, c(1, 1, length(y)))
    aZ2[1, 1, (35 + 1):length(y)] <- 1 # 1s from pos 35(+1) forward
    aT2 <- array(1, c(1, 1, length(y)))
    # Z and T component for event on pos 47
    aZ3 <- array(0, c(1, 1, length(y)))
    aZ3[1, 1, (47 + 1):length(y)] <- 1 # 1s from pos 47(+1) forward
    aT3 <- array(1, c(1, 1, length(y)))

    mod <- SSModel(y~0+SSMtrend(2, list(NA, NA))+SSMseasonal(12, NA)+
            SSMcustom(Z = aZ1, T = aT1,
                      R = matrix(0, 1, 0), Q = matrix(0, 0, 0),
                      a1 = 0, P = matrix(0), P1inf = matrix(1))+ # first event
            SSMcustom(Z = aZ2, T = aT2,
                      R = matrix(0, 1, 0), Q = matrix(0, 0, 0),
                      a1 = 0, P = matrix(0), P1inf = matrix(1))+ # second event
            SSMcustom(Z = aZ3, T = aT3,
                      R = matrix(0, 1, 0), Q = matrix(0, 0, 0),
                      a1 = 0, P = matrix(0), P1inf = matrix(1)), # third event
    H = NA)
    initial_val <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0) # the first 4 are always there
    fit <- fitSSM(mod, intits = initial_val)


    如您所见,对于每个事件,我需要创建一个向量 aZ 还有一个向量 aT SSMcustom 函数,如果我有一个新的时间序列,我只需要评估两个事件,或者四个或更多。

    问题是我不能一直添加 SSM自定义 对于模型,我想传递一个向量为的新时间序列 事件,并自动构建相同的模型,但要计算的事件数除外。我可以建立一个独特的 SSM自定义 所有的事件?

    initial_val 必须改变,但不那么复杂总是4+ ,与 事件数。


    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   AlainD    6 年前

