$args = new SimpleXmlElement(
// I want to set text of some node found by xpath
// Let's take (//c) for example
// convoluted and I can't be sure I'm setting right node
$firstC = reset($args->xpath("//c[1]/parent::*"));
$firstC->c[0] = "test 1";
// like here: Found node is not actually third in its parent.
$firstC = reset($args->xpath("(//c)[3]/parent::*"));
$firstC->c[2] = "test 2";
// following won't work for obvious reasons,
// some setText() method would be perfect but I can't find nothing similar,
$firstC = reset($args->xpath("//c[1]"));
$firstC = "test";
// maybe there's some hack for it?
$firstC = reset($args->xpath("//c[1]"));
$firstC->{"."} = "test"; // nope, just adds child named .
$firstC->{""} = "test"; // still not right, 'Cannot write or create unnamed element'
$firstC["."] = "test"; // still no luck, adds attribute named .
$firstC[""] = "test"; // still no luck, 'Cannot write or create unnamed attribute'
$firstC->addChild('','test'); // grr, 'SimpleXMLElement::addChild(): Element name is required'
$firstC->addChild('.','test'); // just adds another child with name .
echo $args->asXML();
// it outputs:
// PHP Warning: main(): Cannot add element c number 2 when only 1 such elements exist
// PHP Warning: main(): Cannot write or create unnamed element
// PHP Warning: main(): Cannot write or create unnamed attribute
// PHP Warning: SimpleXMLElement::addChild(): Element name is required
// <?xml version="1.0"? >
// <a>
// <b>
// <c .="test">test 1<.>test</.><.>test</.></c>
// <c>stuff</c>
// </b>
// <d>
// <c>code</c>
// <c>test 2</c></d>
// </a>