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Priming TurboTable过滤器不适用于LazyLoad

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  • Extreme  · 技术社区  · 6 年前


    this this this 举例说明。我可以找到任何解决办法。

    当我同时使用[lazy]和过滤器时,过滤器不起作用。如果我只是删除 [lazy]="true"

    import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';
    import { SelectItem, LazyLoadEvent } from 'primeng/primeng';
    import { MyService } from '../services/my.service';
    import { ColumnHeaders } from '.';
        selector: 'myList-table',
        templateUrl: 'myList-table.component.html',
        styleUrls: ['myList-table.component.less']
    export class myListTableComponent implements OnInit {
        rowCount = { 'value': 5 };
        totalRecords: number = 0;
        pageNavLinks: number = 0;
        myList: any = [];
        columnHeaders = ColumnHeaders;
        @Input() myListStatus = 'live';
        constructor(private myService: MyService) { }
        ngOnInit() { this.lazyLoad({ 'first': 0 }); }
        lazyLoad(event: LazyLoadEvent) {
            const pageNumber = Math.round(event.first / this.rowCount.value) + 1;
            this.myService.getmyList(this.myListStatus, pageNumber, this.rowCount.value)
                .subscribe(response => {
                    this.myList = response.batches;
                    this.totalRecords = response.batches[0].TotalRowCount;
                    this.pageNavLinks = Math.round(this.totalRecords / this.rowCount.value);
        changeCount() {
            this.totalRecords = 0;
            this.pageNavLinks = 0;
            this.lazyLoad({ 'first': 0 });
    <div class="ui-g-12">
      <p-table #dt [columns]="columnHeaders" [value]="myList" [paginator]="true" [rows]="rowCount?.value" [totalRecords]="totalRecords" [responsive]="true" (onLazyLoad)="lazyLoad($event)" [lazy]="true">
        <ng-template pTemplate="header" let-columns>
            <th *ngFor="let col of columns">
            <th *ngFor="let col of columns">
              <div class="search-ip-table">
                <i class="fa fa-search"></i>
                <input pInputText type="text" (input)="dt.filter($event.target.value, col.field, col.filterMatchMode)">
        <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowData let-columns="columns">
          <tr [pSelectableRow]="rowData">
            <td>{{rowData.Date | date:'medium' }}</td>
        <ng-template pTemplate="paginatorleft">
          <span>Total Records: {{totalRecords}}</span>
        <ng-template pTemplate="paginatorright">
          <p-dropdown [options]="pageRecordsCountOptions" [(ngModel)]="rowCount" optionLabel="value" (onChange)="changeCount()"></p-dropdown>
    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   mp92    6 年前



    .subscribe(response =>. ...