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  • Evandro Coan  · 技术社区  · 7 年前


    .PHONY: hook1 hook2
    # Default target
    all: hook1 hook2 hook1
        echo "Calling all"
        echo "Calling hook1"
        echo "Calling hook2"


    $ make
    echo "Calling hook1"
    Calling hook1
    echo "Calling hook2"
    Calling hook2
    echo "Calling all"
    Calling all


    $ make
    echo "Calling hook1"
    Calling hook1
    echo "Calling hook2"
    Calling hook2
    echo "Calling hook1"
    Calling hook1
    echo "Calling all"
    Calling all

    两次调用同一规则。如果有人感兴趣的话,下面是我完整的主Makefile代码。我试图创建虚拟规则 pdflatex_hook1 pdflatex_hook2 pdflatex_hook biber_hook pdflatex_hook ,但这并没有被愚弄 make 它仍然忽略了我最后一个电话 :

    #!/usr/bin/make -f
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7123241/makefile-as-an-executable-script-with-shebang
    ECHOCMD:=/bin/echo -e
    # The main latex file
    THESIS_MAIN_FILE = modelomain.tex
    # This will be the pdf generated
    # This is the folder where the temporary files are going to be
    CACHE_FOLDER = setup/cache
    # Find all files ending with `main.tex`
    LATEX_SOURCE_FILES := $(wildcard *main.tex)
    # Create a new variable within all `LATEX_SOURCE_FILES` file names ending with `.pdf`
    # GNU Make silent by default
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24005166/gnu-make-silent-by-default
    MAKEFLAGS += --silent
    .PHONY: clean pdflatex_hook1 pdflatex_hook2 %.pdf %.tex
    # How do I write the 'cd' command in a makefile?
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1789594/how-do-i-write-the-cd-command-in-a-makefile
    # Default target
    all: biber
    ## Usage:
    ##   make <target>
    ## Targets:
    ##   biber             build the main file with bibliography pass
    ##   pdflatex          build the main file with no bibliography pass
    # Print the usage instructions
    # https://gist.github.com/prwhite/8168133
        @fgrep -h "##" $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | fgrep -v fgrep | sed -e 's/\\$$//' | sed -e 's/##//'
    # Where to find official (!) and extended documentation for tex/latex's commandline options (especially -interaction modes)?
    # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/91592/where-to-find-official-and-extended-documentation-for-tex-latexs-commandlin
    PDF_LATEX_COMMAND = pdflatex --time-statistics --synctex=1 -halt-on-error -file-line-error
    # Run pdflatex, biber, pdflatex
    biber: biber_hook pdflatex_hook2
        # Calculate the elapsed seconds and print them to the screen
        . ./setup/scripts/timer_calculator.sh
        showTheElapsedSeconds "$(current_dir)"
    # Internally called rule which does not attempt to show the elapsed time
    biber_hook: pdflatex_hook1
        # Creates the shell variable `current_dir` within the current folder path
        $(eval current_dir := $(shell pwd)) echo $(current_dir) > /dev/null
    # This rule will be called for every latex file and pdf associated
    pdflatex: $(LATEX_PDF_FILES)
        # Calculate the elapsed seconds and print them to the screen
        . ./setup/scripts/timer_calculator.sh
        showTheElapsedSeconds "$(current_dir)"
    # Not show the elapsed time when called internally
    pdflatex_hook1: $(LATEX_PDF_FILES)
    pdflatex_hook2: $(LATEX_PDF_FILES)
    %.pdf: %.tex
        # Start counting the compilation time and import its shell functions
        . ./setup/scripts/timer_calculator.sh
        # Creates the shell variable `current_dir` within the current folder path
        $(eval current_dir := $(shell pwd)) echo $(current_dir) > /dev/null
        @$(LATEX) $<
        cp $(CACHE_FOLDER)/$(THESIS_OUTPUT_NAME).pdf $(current_dir)/$(THESIS_OUTPUT_NAME).pdf

    当我称之为规则时 make biber 我得到了输出:

    $ make biber
    This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (MiKTeX 2.9.6400)
    entering extended mode
    gross execution time: 62751 ms
    user mode: 58406 ms, kernel mode: 1359 ms, total: 59765
    INFO - This is Biber 2.7
    INFO - Logfile is 'setup/cache/thesis.blg'
    INFO - Reading 'setup/cache/thesis.bcf'
    INFO - Found 14 citekeys in bib section 0
    INFO - Processing section 0
    INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'modeloreferences.bib' for section 0
    INFO - Decoding LaTeX character macros into UTF-8
    INFO - Found BibTeX data source 'modeloreferences.bib'
    INFO - Overriding locale 'pt-BR' defaults 'normalization = NFD' with 'normalization = prenormalized'
    INFO - Overriding locale 'pt-BR' defaults 'variable = shifted' with 'variable = non-ignorable'
    INFO - Sorting list 'nty/global/' of type 'entry' with scheme 'nty' and locale 'pt-BR'
    INFO - No sort tailoring available for locale 'pt-BR'
    INFO - Writing 'setup/cache/thesis.bbl' with encoding 'UTF-8'
    INFO - Output to setup/cache/thesis.bbl
    Could not calculate the seconds to run

    ,仅第一次调用 pdflatex_hook1

    我已经知道了 latexmk 使用它,但为了 biber 以上我想做这些电话,因为他们是。对于 latexmk公司 我使用这个配方/规则:

    thesis: $(THESIS_MAIN_FILE)
        # Start counting the compilation time and import its shell functions
        . ./setup/scripts/timer_calculator.sh
        # Creates the shell variable `current_dir` within the current folder path
        $(eval current_dir := $(shell pwd)) echo $(current_dir) > /dev/null
        # What is the difference between “-interaction=nonstopmode” and “-halt-on-error”?
        # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/258814/what-is-the-difference-between-interaction-nonstopmode-and-halt-on-error
        # What reasons (if any) are there for compiling in interactive mode?
        # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/25267/what-reasons-if-any-are-there-for-compiling-in-interactive-mode
        latexmk \
        -pdf \
        -silent \
        -jobname="$(THESIS_OUTPUT_NAME)" \
        -output-directory="$(CACHE_FOLDER)" \
        -aux-directory="$(CACHE_FOLDER)" \
        -pdflatex="$(PDF_LATEX_COMMAND) --interaction=batchmode" \
        -use-make $(THESIS_MAIN_FILE)
        # Copy the generated PDF file from the cache folder
        cp $(CACHE_FOLDER)/$(THESIS_OUTPUT_NAME).pdf $(current_dir)/$(THESIS_OUTPUT_NAME).pdf
        # Calculate the elapsed seconds and print them to the screen
        showTheElapsedSeconds "$(current_dir)"


    1. Change a make variable, and call another rule, from a recipe in same Makefile?
    2. How to manually call another target from a make target?
    3. multiple targets from one recipe and parallel execution
    2 回复  |  直到 7 年前
  •  1
  •   David White    7 年前


    .PHONY: hook1 hook2
    # Default target
    all: hook1a hook2 hook1b
        echo "Calling all"
    hook1a hook1b:
        echo "Calling hook1"
        echo "Calling hook2"


    echo "Calling hook1"
    Calling hook1
    echo "Calling hook2"
    Calling hook2
    echo "Calling hook1"
    Calling hook1
    echo "Calling all"
    Calling all

    如所示 make recipe execute twice

  •  0
  •   Evandro Coan    7 年前

    @David White 答:我用双递归修复了我的主脚本:

    #!/usr/bin/make -f
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7123241/makefile-as-an-executable-script-with-shebang
    ECHOCMD:=/bin/echo -e
    # The main latex file
    THESIS_MAIN_FILE = modelomain.tex
    # This will be the pdf generated
    # This is the folder where the temporary files are going to be
    CACHE_FOLDER = setup/cache
    # Find all files ending with `main.tex`
    LATEX_SOURCE_FILES := $(wildcard *main.tex)
    # Create a new variable within all `LATEX_SOURCE_FILES` file names ending with `.pdf`
    # GNU Make silent by default
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24005166/gnu-make-silent-by-default
    MAKEFLAGS += --silent
    .PHONY: clean biber pdflatex_hook1 pdflatex_hook2
    # How do I write the 'cd' command in a makefile?
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1789594/how-do-i-write-the-cd-command-in-a-makefile
    # Default target
    all: thesis
    ## Usage:
    ##   make <target>
    ## Targets:
    ##   all        call the `thesis` make rule
    ##   biber      build the main file with bibliography pass
    ##   latex      build the main file with no bibliography pass
    ##   thesis     completely build the main file with minimum output logs
    ##   verbose    completely build the main file with maximum output logs
    # Print the usage instructions
    # https://gist.github.com/prwhite/8168133
        @fgrep -h "##" $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | fgrep -v fgrep | sed -e 's/\\$$//' | sed -e 's/##//'
    # Where to find official (!) and extended documentation for tex/latex's commandline options (especially -interaction modes)?
    # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/91592/where-to-find-official-and-extended-documentation-for-tex-latexs-commandlin
    PDF_LATEX_COMMAND = pdflatex --time-statistics --synctex=1 -halt-on-error -file-line-error
    # Run pdflatex, biber, pdflatex
    biber: start_timer pdflatex_hook1 biber_hook pdflatex_hook2
        # Creates the shell variable `current_dir` within the current folder path
        $(eval current_dir := $(shell pwd)) echo $(current_dir) > /dev/null
        # Copies the PDF to the current folder
        cp $(CACHE_FOLDER)/$(THESIS_OUTPUT_NAME).pdf $(current_dir)/$(THESIS_OUTPUT_NAME).pdf
        # Calculate the elapsed seconds and print them to the screen
        . ./setup/scripts/timer_calculator.sh
        showTheElapsedSeconds "$(current_dir)"
        # Start counting the elapsed seconds to print them to the screen later
        . ./setup/scripts/timer_calculator.sh
    # Internally called rule which does not attempt to show the elapsed time
        # Creates the shell variable `current_dir` within the current folder path
        $(eval current_dir := $(shell pwd)) echo $(current_dir) > /dev/null
        # Call biber to process the bibliography
    # How to call Makefile recipe/rule multiple times?
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46135614/how-to-call-makefile-recipe-rule-multiple-times
    pdflatex_hook1 pdflatex_hook2:
    # This rule will be called for every latex file and pdf associated
    latex: $(LATEX_PDF_FILES)
        # Calculate the elapsed seconds and print them to the screen
        . ./setup/scripts/timer_calculator.sh
        showTheElapsedSeconds "$(current_dir)"
    # Dynamically generated recipes for all PDF and latex files
    %.pdf: %.tex
        # Start counting the compilation time and import its shell functions
        . ./setup/scripts/timer_calculator.sh
        # Creates the shell variable `current_dir` within the current folder path
        $(eval current_dir := $(shell pwd)) echo $(current_dir) > /dev/null
        @$(LATEX) $<
        cp $(CACHE_FOLDER)/$(THESIS_OUTPUT_NAME).pdf $(current_dir)/$(THESIS_OUTPUT_NAME).pdf
    thesis: $(THESIS_MAIN_FILE)
        # Start counting the compilation time and import its shell functions
        . ./setup/scripts/timer_calculator.sh
        # Creates the shell variable `current_dir` within the current folder path
        $(eval current_dir := $(shell pwd)) echo $(current_dir) > /dev/null
        # What is the difference between “-interaction=nonstopmode” and “-halt-on-error”?
        # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/258814/what-is-the-difference-between-interaction-nonstopmode-and-halt-on-error
        # What reasons (if any) are there for compiling in interactive mode?
        # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/25267/what-reasons-if-any-are-there-for-compiling-in-interactive-mode
        latexmk \
        -pdf \
        -silent \
        -jobname="$(THESIS_OUTPUT_NAME)" \
        -output-directory="$(CACHE_FOLDER)" \
        -aux-directory="$(CACHE_FOLDER)" \
        -pdflatex="$(PDF_LATEX_COMMAND) --interaction=batchmode" \
        -use-make $(THESIS_MAIN_FILE)
        # Copy the generated PDF file from the cache folder
        cp $(CACHE_FOLDER)/$(THESIS_OUTPUT_NAME).pdf $(current_dir)/$(THESIS_OUTPUT_NAME).pdf
        # Calculate the elapsed seconds and print them to the screen
        showTheElapsedSeconds "$(current_dir)"
    verbose: $(THESIS_MAIN_FILE)
        # Start counting the compilation time and import its shell functions
        . ./setup/scripts/timer_calculator.sh
        # Creates the shell variable `current_dir` within the current folder path
        $(eval current_dir := $(shell pwd)) echo $(current_dir) > /dev/null
        # What is the difference between “-interaction=nonstopmode” and “-halt-on-error”?
        # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/258814/what-is-the-difference-between-interaction-nonstopmode-and-halt-on-error
        # What reasons (if any) are there for compiling in interactive mode?
        # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/25267/what-reasons-if-any-are-there-for-compiling-in-interactive-mode
        latexmk \
        -pdf \
        -jobname="$(THESIS_OUTPUT_NAME)" \
        -output-directory="$(CACHE_FOLDER)" \
        -aux-directory="$(CACHE_FOLDER)" \
        -pdflatex="$(PDF_LATEX_COMMAND) --interaction=nonstopmode" \
        -use-make $(THESIS_MAIN_FILE)
        # Copy the generated PDF file from the cache folder
        cp $(CACHE_FOLDER)/$(THESIS_OUTPUT_NAME).pdf $(current_dir)/$(THESIS_OUTPUT_NAME).pdf
        # Calculate the elapsed seconds and print them to the screen
        showTheElapsedSeconds "$(current_dir)"
    # Using Makefile to clean subdirectories
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26007005/using-makefile-to-clean-subdirectories
    # Exclude directory from find . command
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4210042/exclude-directory-from-find-command
    GARBAGE_TYPES := "*.gz(busy)" *.aux *.log *.pdf *.aux *.bbl *.log *.out *.toc *.dvi *.blg\
    *.synctex.gz *.fdb_latexmk *.fls *.lot *.lol *.lof *.idx
    DIRECTORIES_TO_CLEAN  := $(shell /bin/find -not -path "./**.git**" -not -path "./pictures**" -type d)
        rm -rfv $(GARBAGE_TYPED_FOLDERS)
    # veryclean:
    #   git clean -dxf