doesn't provide an unescaper
private static PercentEscaper escaper = new PercentEscaper('',false)
static String getIdentifier(String str) {
//minimal safe characters, but leaves letters alone, so it's somewhat legible
String escaped = escaper.escape(str);
//javascript identifiers can't start with a digit, and the escaper doesn't know the first
//character has different rules. so prepend a "%3" to encode the digit
escaped = "%3"+escaped
//a percent isn't a valid in a javascript identifier, so we'll use _ as our special character
escaped = escaped.replace('%','_');
return escaped;
static String invertIdentifier(String str){
String unescaped = str.replace('_','%');
unescaped = URLDecoder.decode(unescaped, "UTF-8");
return unescaped;