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  • burger  · 技术社区  · 8 年前




    Worksheet Sample 来看看我在说什么。



    Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim y As Integer, z As Integer, todo As Range
    Set todo = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(5, 2), Cells(713, 510))
    y = 5
    z = 714
    With todo
            If todo.Rows(y).Value = 0 Then
            todo.Copy Range(Cells(z, 2))
            y = y + 1
            z = z + 1
            End If
        Loop Until y = 708
    End With
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub


    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim y As Integer, z As Integer
    y = 5
    z = 714
        If Range("By:SPy").Value = 0 Then
        Range("By:SPy").Copy Range("Bz")
        y = y + 1
        z = z + 1
        End If
    Loop Until y = 708
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub



    1 回复  |  直到 8 年前
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  •   PartyHatPanda    8 年前

    这将查看数据并将其复制到数据的最后一行下方。假设数据下面没有任何东西。它也只查找零 之后 它找到1。

    Sub findValueChange()
        Dim lastRow As Long, copyRow As Long, lastCol As Long
        Dim myCell As Range, myRange As Range, dataCell As Range, data As Range
        Dim hasOne As Boolean, switchToZero As Boolean
        Dim dataSht As Worksheet
        Set dataSht = Sheets("Sheet1") '<---- change for whatever your sheet name is
        'Get the last row and column of the sheet
        lastRow = dataSht.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).row
        lastCol = dataSht.Cells(5, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
        'Where we are copying the rows to (2 after last row initially)
        copyRow = lastRow + 2
        'Set the range of the items to loop through
        With dataSht
            Set myRange = .Range(.Cells(5, 2), .Cells(lastRow, 2))
        End With
        'start looping through the items
        For Each myCell In myRange
            hasOne = False 'This and the one following are just flags for logic
            switchToZero = False
            With dataSht
                'Get the range of the data (1's and/or 0's in the row we are looking at
                Set data = .Range(.Cells(myCell.row, 11), .Cells(myCell.row, lastCol))
            End With
            'loop through (from left to right) the binary data
            For Each dataCell In data
                'See if we have encountered a one yet
                If Not hasOne Then 'if not:
                    If dataCell.Value = "1" Then
                        hasOne = True 'Yay! we found a 1!
                    End If
                Else 'We already have a one, see if the new cell is 0
                    If dataCell.Value = "0" Then 'if 0:
                        switchToZero = True 'Now we have a zero
                        Exit For 'No need to continue looking, we know we already changed
                    End If
                End If
            Next dataCell 'move over to the next peice of data
            If switchToZero Then 'If we did find a switch to zero:
                'Copy and paste whole row down
                dataSht.Cells(copyRow, 2).EntireRow.PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
                Application.CutCopyMode = False
                copyRow = copyRow + 1 'increment copy row to not overwrite
            End If
        Next myCell
        Set dataSht = Nothing
        Set myRange = Nothing
        Set myCell = Nothing
        Set data = Nothing
        Set dataCell = Nothing
    End Sub