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  • Carol.Kar  · 技术社区  · 5 年前

    我正在上一节课 node-schedule bind() -创建作业队列的函数:

    class Test {
        constructor() {}
        schedulerLog(value) {
            this.ipcRenderer.send('job-log', process.pid + ': ' + value);
        async initScheduler() {
            try {
                let dt = new Date(el.scheduled_time)
                let db = this.knex // one knex instance per scheduled job
                this.schedule.scheduleJob(dt, function () {
                    // When job is running update the status of the job in the db
                    let sc = new ScheduledContent(db)
                    el.status = "sent" // set status to "sent"
                    sc.createOrUpdateContent(el.id, el.title, null, el.scheduled_time, el.image, el.status).then((res) => {
                        schedulerLog('Job-ID #' + el.id + ' -- ' + el.title + ' -- executed at: ' + dt + " -- and updated: " + res);
                }.bind(null, [db, schedulerLog]));
                this.schedulerLog("\n Number of Jobs Scheduled: " + Object.keys(this.getQueue()).length + "\n");
            } catch (error) {
    module.exports = {

    但是,当使用 .bind(null, [db, schedulerLog]) 我得到一个错误:

    ReferenceError: schedulerLog is not defined



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  •   Bergi    5 年前

    没有理由使用 bind 在这里,尤其是没有绑定一个从未使用过的参数数组。也, schedulerLog 是一个方法,一个属性 this ,而不是局部变量-这就是为什么会出现异常。您只需要使用闭包和箭头函数来保持 上下文:

    initScheduler() { // no need for async here
        try {
            let dt = new Date(el.scheduled_time)
            let db = this.knex
            this.schedule.scheduleJob(dt, async () => { // arrow function!
                let sc = new ScheduledContent(db)
                el.status = "sent"
                let res = await sc.createOrUpdateContent(el.id, el.title, null, el.scheduled_time, el.image, el.status)
    //                    ^^^^^ use async/await instead of .then() here
                this.schedulerLog('Job-ID #' + el.id + ' -- ' + el.title + ' -- executed at: ' + dt + " -- and updated: " + res);
    //          ^^^^^ call method on this
            this.schedulerLog("\n Number of Jobs Scheduled: " + Object.keys(this.getQueue()).length + "\n");
        } catch (error) {