// This example finds the minimum value (the hard way) in a list of integers. It's
// not looking at the previous element, as such, but you can use the same approach.
// I wanted to make the example something meaningful.
def findLowest(xs: List[Int]): Option[Int] = {
@tailrec // Guarantee tail-recursive implementation for safety & performance.
def helper(lowest: Int, rem: List[Int]): Int = {
// If there are no elements left, return lowest found.
if(rem.isEmpty) lowest
// Otherwise, determine new lowest value for next iteration. (If you need the
// previous value, you could put that here.)
else {
val newLow = Math.min(lowest, rem.head)
helper(newLow, rem.tail)
// Start off looking at the first member, guarding against an empty list.
xs match {
case x :: rem => Some(helper(x, rem))
case _ => None
def findLowest(xs: List[Int]): Option[Int] = xs match {
case h :: _ => Some(xs.fold(h)((b, m) => Math.min(b, m)))
case _ => None
def findLowest(xs: List[Int]): Option[Int] = xs match {
case h :: _ => Some(xs.foldLeft(h)(Math.min))
case _ => None
// Determine whether two date ranges overlap. Return true if so; false otherwise.
def overlap(a: DateRange, b: DateRange): Boolean = { ... }
// Merge overlapping a & b date ranges, return new range.
def merge(a: DateRange, b: DateRange): DateRange = { ... }
// Convert list of date ranges into another list, in which all consecutive,
// overlapping ranges are merged into a single range.
def mergeDateRanges(dr: List[DateRange]): List[DateRange] = {
// Helper function. Builds a list of merged date ranges.
def helper(prev: DateRange, ret: List[DateRange], rem: List[DateRange]):
List[DateRange] = {
// If there are no more date ranges to process, prepend the previous value
// to the list that we'll return.
if(rem.isEmpty) prev :: ret
// Otherwise, determine if the previous value overlaps with the current
// head value. If it does, create a new previous value that is the merger
// of the two and leave the returned list alone; if not, prepend the
// previous value to the returned list and make the previous value the
// head value.
else {
val (newPrev, newRet) = if(overlap(prev, rem.head)) {
(merge(prev, rem.head), ret)
else (rem.head, prev :: ret)
// Next iteration of the helper (I missed this off, originally, sorry!)
helper(newPrev, newRet, rem.tail)
// Start things off, trapping empty list case. Because the list is generated by pre-pending elements, we have to reverse it to preserve the order.
dr match {
case h :: rem => helper(h, Nil, rem).reverse // <- Fixed bug here too...
case _ => Nil