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  • Jeff Saremi  · 技术社区  · 6 年前



    // const vec2 halfTexel = vec2(${1.0 / (2.0 * xScale)}, ${1.0 / (2.0 * yScale)});
    // xscale is the width (55)
    // yscale is the height (56)
    precision highp float;
    vec2 offsetToCoords_A(int offset) {
      const vec2 halfTexel = vec2(0.00909090909090909, 0.008928571428571428);
      const float xScale = 55.0;
      const float yScale = 56.0;
      float offsetF = float(offset);
      float s = mod(offsetF, 55.0);
      float t = floor(offsetF / 55.0);
      vec2 coords = vec2(s/xScale, t/yScale) + halfTexel;
      return coords;
    int coordsToOffset_A(vec2 coords) {
      const float xScale = 55.0;
      const float yScale = 56.0;
      float s = coords.s * xScale;
      float t = coords.t * yScale;
      int offset = int(t) * 55 + int(s);
      return offset;

    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   Jeff Saremi    6 年前

    删除了mod并更改了 offsetToCoords 以下内容:

    vec2 offsetToCoords_A(int offset) {
      const vec2 halfTexel = vec2(0.00909090909090909, 0.008928571428571428);
      const float xScale = 55.0;
      const float yScale = 56.0;
      int t = offset / int(xScale);
      int s = offset - t*int(xScale);
      vec2 coords = vec2(s,t)/vec2(xScale, yScale) + halfTexel;
      return coords;