/// <summary>
/// Does a simple convert to display an Xml document in HTML.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xmlString"></param>
private static string ConvertXmlToHtml(string xmlString)
StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
html.AppendLine("<HEAD><TITLE>Xml Document</TITLE></HEAD>");
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
html.AppendLine(ConvertXmlElementToHTML(1, doc.DocumentElement));
return html.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Converts an XML element (and all of its children) to HTML.
/// This is a recursive method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static string ConvertXmlElementToHTML(int level, XmlNode element)
int padding = level; // padding (cm == level).
StringBuilder returnHTML = new StringBuilder();
if (element is XmlElement)
// Formatting for symbols to simplify code below.
string close_bracket = "<SPAN style=\"color: blue\">></SPAN>";
string close_bracket_no_children = "<SPAN style=\"color: blue\"> /></SPAN>";
string open_bracket = "<SPAN style=\"color: blue\"><</SPAN>";
string open_bracket_end_el = "<SPAN style=\"color: blue\"></</SPAN>";
string el_name = "<SPAN style=\"color: brown\">" + element.Name + "</SPAN>";
string quote = "<SPAN style=\"color: blue\">\"</SPAN>";
string equals_sign = "<SPAN style=\"color: blue\">=</SPAN>";
// Open Element.
returnHTML.AppendLine("<DIV style=\"margin-left: " + padding + "cm\">" + open_bracket + el_name);
// Print element attributes.
foreach(XmlAttribute att in element.Attributes)
returnHTML.AppendLine(" <SPAN style=\"color: brown\">" + att.Name + "</SPAN>" + equals_sign + quote + "<SPAN style=\"color: black; text-weight: bold\">" + att.Value + "</SPAN>" + quote);
// If no children, we end the element here with a '/ >'
// otherwise, we close the element and start to write children '>'
if (element.ChildNodes.Count == 0)
returnHTML.AppendLine(close_bracket_no_children + "</DIV>");
returnHTML.AppendLine(close_bracket + "</DIV>");
// Print Children. (Recursive call). Note location is IMPORTANT: we need child elements
// to print after the element is opened and before the element is closed.
foreach (XmlNode child in element.ChildNodes)
returnHTML.AppendLine(ConvertXmlElementToHTML(level + 1, child));
// If we have printed child elements, we need to print a closing element tag.
if (element.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
returnHTML.AppendLine("<DIV style=\"margin-left: " + padding + "cm\">" + open_bracket_end_el + el_name + close_bracket + "</DIV>");
// Return a string of HTML that will display elements at this level and below (child nodes).
return returnHTML.ToString();