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  • Shuvayan Das  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    df_target = pd.get_dummies(df_column[column], dummy_na=True,prefix=column)

    其中column是一个列名,df\u column是一个数据帧,从中提取每一列来执行一些操作。

    rev_grp_m2_> 225    rev_grp_m2_nan  rev_grp_m2_nan
    0                       0                   0
    0                       0                   0
    0                       0                   0
    0                       0                   0
    0                       0                   0
    0                       0                   0
    0                       0                   0
    1                       0                   0
    0                       0                   0
    0                       0                   0
    0                       0                   0
    0                       0                   0

    for target_column in list(df_target.columns):
        # If variance of the dummy created is zero : append it to a list and print to log file.
        if ((np.var(df_target_attribute[[target_column]])[0] != 0)==True):
            df_final[target_column] = df_target[target_column]


    erev_grp_m2_nan    0.000819
    rev_grp_m2_nan    0.000000


    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   jezrael    6 年前

    为了 DataFrame.var 用途:

    print (df.var())
    rev_grp_m2_> 225    0.083333
    rev_grp_m2_nan      0.000000
    rev_grp_m2_nan      0.000000

    最后一个用于过滤 boolean indexing :

    out = df.loc[:, df.var()!= 0]
    print (out)
        rev_grp_m2_> 225
    0                  0
    1                  0
    2                  0
    3                  0
    4                  0
    5                  0
    6                  0
    7                  1
    8                  0
    9                  0
    10                 0
    11                 0

    iloc :

    cols = [i for i in np.arange(len(df.columns)) if np.var(df.iloc[:, i]) != 0]
    print (cols)
    df = df.iloc[:, cols]
    print (df)
        rev_grp_m2_> 225
    0                  0
    1                  0
    2                  0
    3                  0
    4                  0
    5                  0
    6                  0
    7                  1
    8                  0
    9                  0
    10                 0
    11                 0

    另一个想法是过滤掉所有的值 0

    cols = [i for i in np.arange(len(df.columns)) if (df.iloc[:, i] != 0).any()]
    out = df.iloc[:, cols]


    out = df.loc[:, (df != 0).any()]
    print (out)
        rev_grp_m2_> 225
    0                  0
    1                  0
    2                  0
    3                  0
    4                  0
    5                  0
    6                  0
    7                  1
    8                  0
    9                  0
    10                 0
    11                 0