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  • dpoiesz  · 技术社区  · 6 年前


    Each of the blues dots in this image represent a data point being traversed by the outer for loop. The magenta cross represents the current point being evaluated. There is one array for the points location and another array for the points data. The black rectangle is the search area for this point. The two inner for loops traverse each grid point in the search area. The grid points are defined by the tick marks on the plot that create a uniform Cartesian grid. The green circle highlights the current grid point being evaluated. Because the grid point is inside the magenta radius a convolution interpolation will be performed with data from the blue point(magenta cross hairs) and added to the current value at that grid point(initialized to zero).

    In this example the current grid point(red circle) is outside the radius(magenta circle) so nothing is done.




    for loc_i = 1:length(dataLocations)
        xMin_i = floor(((xdata(loc_i)-searchRadius)));
        . . . condition check to set min here
        xMax_i = ceil(((xdata(loc_i)+searchRadius)));
        . . . condition check to set max here
        yMin_i = floor(((ydata(loc_i)-searchRadius)));
        . . . condition check to set min here
        yMax_i = ceil(((ydata(loc_i)+searchRadius)));
        . . . condition check to set max here
    %--end search area boundary index determination-----------------------%
    %--traverse the search area-------------------------------------------%
    % nested for loops will traverse search area column by column starting
    %   in the bottom left corner
    % update output indexes to align with starting point of the current
    %   search area
    %   xMin_i * gridSize_n finds the current column
    %   + yMin_i finds the current row
    realOut_i = ((xMin_i) * gridSize_n + yMin_i); 
    imagOut_i = ((xMin_i) * gridSize_n + yMin_i);
    % update incrementer for output index to move to the starting point of
    %   the next column within the search area
    nxtCol_inc = gridSize_n - (yMax_i - yMin_i) - 1;
        % traverse columns of search area
        for col_i = xMin_i:xMax_i
        % calculate x component of the distance vector between current
        %   trajectory point and current cartesian grid point
        dx_n = col_i - (xTraj_d(loc_i ));
            % traverse rows of each search area
            for row_i = yMin_i:yMax_i       
                % calculate y component of the distance vector between current
                %   trajectory point and current cartesian grid point
                dy_n = row_i - (yTraj_d(loc_i));
                % calculate magnitude of the distance vector between the
                %   current trajectory point and the current cartesian grid 
                %   point
                dk_n = sqrt(dx_n^2 + dy_n^2);
                if dk_n < searchRadius
                    % determine where the grid point lies within the covolution
                    %   radius, measured as the distance from the center
                    fractionKernel_i =...
                        (dk_n / (kernelRadius_n)*(kernTabPnts_n-1));
                    % seperate the integer portion of the indexed distance to
                    %   retrieve indexed values from the kernel table
                    integerKernel_i = floor(fractionKernel_i);
                    % save the decimal portion of the indexed distance to
                    %   weight the values retrieved from the kernel table
                    ratioKernel_n = fractionKernel_i - integerKernel_i;
                    % determine kernel value for current grid point
                    % value is linearly interpolated for precision
                    kernel = ...
                    % do convolution interpolation for real values
                    realOutput(realOut_i) = ...
                        realOutput(realOut_i) + ...
                    % do convolution interpolation for imaginary values
                    imagOutput(imagOut_i) = ...
                        imagOutput(imagOut_i) +...
                end % if dk_n < searchRadius
                % move to the next row in the search column
                realOut_i = realOut_i + 1;
                imagOut_i = imagOut_i + 1;
            end % row_i = yMin_i:yMax_i
            % move to the starting point of the next column in the search area
            realOut_i = realOut_i + nxtCol_inc;
            imagOut_i = imagOut_i + nxtCol_inc;
        end % col_i = xMin_i:xMax_i
        %-- finished traversing search area-----------------------------------%
    end % for loc_i = 1:length(dataLocations)
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