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  •  -1
  • nzifnab  · 技术社区  · 6 年前


    Mittens the cat ate a salad on Friday morning. He's a cat, so I'm not really sure why he was eating a salad, but that's what he was doing. Do cats normally like salad? It wasn't salmon-flavored or anything crazy like that.
    I can think of three reasons why a cat might eat salad:
    1. The cat is insane
    2. The cat likes mice, and just last week we noticed that a mice was eating some salad, so maybe the cat decided to shortcut the food chain and eat a salad instead of getting the nutrients of the salad from the consumption of the mouse.
    3. Cats are weird.


    Mittens the cat ate a salad on Friday morning. He's a cat, so I'm not really
    sure why he was eating a salad, but that's what he was doing. Do cats normally
    like salad? It wasn't salmon-flavored or anything crazy like that.
    I can think of three reasons why a cat might eat salad:
    1. The cat is insane
    2. The cat likes mice, and just last week we noticed that a mice was eating some
    salad, so maybe the cat decided to shortcut the food chain and eat a salad
    instead of getting the nutrients of the salad from the consumption of the mouse.
    3. Cats are weird.

    我发现有几个问题可以解决在N个字符处添加新行的问题。我知道我可以在空间上分开 计数

    我的直觉告诉我,使用regex和look aheads/look behinds有一个很好的解决方案。

    content = """
    this is some content with words and stuff
    and here is another line things
    content = content.gsub(%r{(.{10}) }, "\\1\n")
    puts content


    this is some
    content with
    words and stuff
    and here is
    another line


    2 回复  |  直到 6 年前
  •  2
  •   sawa    6 年前

    puts content.gsub(/(.{1,10})(?:\s+|$)/, "\\1\n")
    # >>this is
    # >>some
    # >>content
    # >>with words
    # >>and stuff
    # >>and here
    # >>is another
    # >>line
    # >>things

    囊性纤维变性。 https://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/TextHelper/word_wrap

  •  1
  •   nzifnab    6 年前


    def wordwrap(content, line_length)
      words = content.scan(/(?:\A|\s)[^\s]*/)
      remaining = line_length
      words.each do |word|
        if word.length > remaining
          word.gsub!(/^\s/, "")
          remaining = line_length - word.length
          word.insert(0, "\n")
          if word =~ /^\n/
            remaining = line_length - word.length - 1
            remaining -= word.length

    line_length 角色。


  •  0
  •   Cary Swoveland    5 年前
    r = /.{,80}[\n ]/ 

    puts content.gsub(r) { |s| s[0..-2] << "\n" }


    Mittens the cat ate a salad on Friday morning. He's a cat, so I'm not really
    sure why he was eating a salad, but that's what he was doing. Do cats normally
    like salad? It wasn't salmon-flavored or anything crazy like that.
    I can think of three reasons why a cat might eat salad:
    1. The cat is insane.
    2. The cat likes mice, and just last week we noticed that a mice was eating some
    salad, so maybe the cat decided to shortcut the food chain and eat a salad
    instead of getting the nutrients of the salad from the consumption of the mouse.
    3. Cats are weird.


    要使此操作生效,字符串在一行中不能有多个空格,并且字符串必须以换行符结尾(即。, "...weird.\n" ). 如果这些条件不能保持简单的预处理步骤,则可以保证:

    mod_content = content.squeeze(' ').chomp << "\n"