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  • Sergei  · 技术社区  · 2 年前


    第1列 第2列 第3列 第4列 第5列
    100 约翰 [-, 1] [棕色、黄色] 【楠,楠】
    200 斯特凡 [南,2] [南,黄色] [-,已接受]

    正如您所看到的,第3-5列完全由列表组成,我想删除的是 破折号(-) 随着 “nan” 这些列中的列表中的元素。


    第1列 第2列 第3列 第4列 第5列
    100 约翰 [1] [棕色、黄色] []
    200 斯特凡 [2] [黄色] [已接受]


    Table1["Column3"] = Table1["Column3"].apply(lambda x: [el for el in x if el != '-' if pd.isnull(el) == False])

    但问题是,我不知道如何将其应用于数据框架中由列表组成的所有列。 这是一个简化的示例,在最初的版本中,我有将近15列,我想知道是否有办法实现它,而不是为所有15列分别编写这样的函数。

    3 回复  |  直到 2 年前
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  •   Andrej Kesely    2 年前


    for c in df.columns:
        df[c] = df[c].apply(
            lambda x: [v for v in x if v != "-" and pd.notna(v)]
            if isinstance(x, list)
            else x


       Column1 Column2 Column3          Column4     Column5
    0      100    John     [1]  [brown, yellow]          []
    1      200  Stefan     [2]         [yellow]  [accepted]
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  •   cottontail    2 年前


    # data
    df = pd.DataFrame({'Column1': [100, 200],
                       'Column2': ['John', 'Stefan'],
                       'Column3': [['-', 1], [np.nan, 2]],
                       'Column4': [['brown', 'yellow'], [np.nan, 'yellow']],
                       'Column5': [[np.nan, np.nan], ['-', 'accepted']]})
    # stack and explode to get the list elements out of lists
    exp_df = df.set_index(['Column1', 'Column2']).stack().explode()
    # mask that filters out dash and nans
    m = exp_df.ne('-') & exp_df.notna()
    # after using m, aggregate back to lists

    enter image description here

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  •   Vae Jiang    2 年前


    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    from typing import Any
    ### 1. replicate your dataframe. nan here is from np. not sure what nan in your df is. 
    df = pd.DataFrame({
        'col_3':[['-', 1],[np.nan,2]],
        'col_4':[['brown', 'yellow'],[np.nan, 'yellow']]
    ### 2: remove funciton: this function will remove dash and np.nan from each cell for a selected cols once applied
    def remove(element: Any) -> Any:
            return [x for x in element if x not in [ '-', np.nan]]
        except TypeError: # in case some cell value is not a list
            return element
    ### 3: detect_col_element_as_list: this function will detect if a given col has any cell composed by list. if so return True
    def detect_col_element_as_list(element: pd.Series) -> bool:
        return any(isinstance(x, list) for x in element)
    ### 4: first get all cols that have cells as list 
    cols_contain_list = [col for col in df.columns if detect_col_element_as_list(df[col])]
    ### 5: a for loop to apply remove function to all cols that has list as cell value
    for col in cols_contain_list:
        df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda x: remove(x))
