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  •  0
  • Travis J  · 技术社区  · 6 年前




    var days = (function(start,count){
      var days = [];
      var MSday = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
      for(var i = 0; i < count; i++){
        days.push(new Date(+start + i*MSday));
      return days;
    })(new Date(2018,0,1),100);
    function vals(){
      var vals = [];
      for(var i = 0; i < 100; i++){
        vals.push((Math.random() * 2 * i) | 0);
      return vals;
    var selectorOptions = {
      buttons: [{
        step: 'month',
        stepmode: 'backward',
        count: 1,
        label: '1m'
      }, {
        step: 'month',
        stepmode: 'backward',
        count: 6,
        label: '6m'
      }, {
        step: 'year',
        stepmode: 'todate',
        count: 1,
        label: 'YTD'
      }, {
        step: 'year',
        stepmode: 'backward',
        count: 1,
        label: '1y'
      }, {
        step: 'all',
    var trace1 = {
      x: days,
      y: vals(),
      type: 'bar',
      name: 'Trace 1'
    var trace2 = {
      x: days,
      y: vals(),
      type: 'bar',
      name: 'Trace 2'
    var data = [trace1, trace2];
    var layout = {
      title: 'Bar Demo',
      barmode: 'group',
      xaxis: {
        rangeselector: selectorOptions
    Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data, layout);
    <script src="https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js"></script>
    <div id="myDiv"><!-- Plotly chart will be drawn inside this DIV --></div>


    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
  •  2
  •   MPanzeri    5 年前



        step: 'day',
        stepmode: 'backward',
        count: 7,
        label: '1w'
  •  1
  •   Travis J    6 年前


    我唯一能确定可行的方法是使用 .on('plotly_relayout', function () { ,从范围选择器按钮获取参数(这似乎是有限的,只有一个“开始”和“结束”日期,如果有更好的方法来确定来源,请让我知道,我将在这里更新),然后大致基于此按周对日期进行分类,并调整绘图中的x和y值。


    这里发生了很多事。基本上,它将遍历一组日期来创建星期日箱,其中将保存每周数据(注意,它仍然缺少显示更新,以显示它是从开始日期开始的一周)。一旦它有了箱子,它就把每个箱子范围内的日期加起来。然后它使用 restyle . 如果选定的范围不是6米,则它将使用备份数据的a片,因为plotly会就地修改数组,因此,如果每次使用备份时没有备份副本和单个副本,则它将覆盖数据。


    function sum(array){
    	return array.reduce(function(sum,curr){
      	return sum + curr;
    Date.MSday = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
    Date.prototype.floor = function(){
    	return new Date(this.getFullYear(),this.getMonth(),this.getDate());
    Date.prototype.addDays = function(days){
    	var time = +this - +this.floor();
      var addedDays = new Date(+this.floor() + Date.MSday*days);
      return new Date(+addedDays + time);
    function weeksFromDates(datesArray, valsArray){
    	var lastDay = datesArray[datesArray.length -1];
    	var firstDay = datesArray[0];
      var dayOfWeek = firstDay.getDay();
      var firstSunday = firstDay.addDays(-dayOfWeek);
      var sundays = [];
      var currentSunday = firstSunday;
      while(currentSunday < lastDay){
        currentSunday = currentSunday.addDays(7);
      currentSunday = currentSunday.addDays(7);
      var valSets = [];
      var n = 0;
      for(var i = 1; i < sundays.length; i++){
      	var last = sundays[i-1];
        var next = sundays[i];
        var theseVals = [];
        for(; n < datesArray.length && last <= datesArray[n] && next > datesArray[n]; n++){
      return {x: sundays, y: valSets};
    var MSday = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
    var days = (function(start,count){
      var days = [];
      for(var i = 0; i < count; i++){
        days.push(new Date(+start + i*MSday));
      return days;
    })(new Date(2018,0,1),100);
    function vals(){
      var vals = [];
      for(var i = 0; i < 100; i++){
        vals.push((Math.random() * 2 * i) | 0);
      return vals;
    var selectorOptions = {
      buttons: [{
        step: 'month',
        stepmode: 'backward',
        count: 1,
        label: '1m'
      }, {
        step: 'month',
        stepmode: 'backward',
        count: 6,
        label: '6m'
      }, {
        step: 'year',
        stepmode: 'todate',
        count: 1,
        label: 'YTD'
      }, {
        step: 'year',
        stepmode: 'backward',
        count: 1,
        label: '1y'
      }, {
        step: 'all',
    var trace1 = {
      x: days,
      y: vals(),
      type: 'bar',
      name: 'Trace 1',
      orientation: 'v'
    var trace2 = {
      x: days,
      y: vals(),
      type: 'bar',
      name: 'Trace 2',
      orientation: 'v'
    var data = [trace1, trace2];
    var dataBackup = $.extend(true,{},data);
    var layout = {
      title: 'Bar Demo',
      barmode: 'group',
      xaxis: {
        rangeselector: selectorOptions
    Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data, layout);
    $('#myDiv').on('plotly_relayout', function () {
        var lower = new Date(arguments[1]['xaxis.range[0]']);
        var upper = new Date(arguments[1]['xaxis.range[1]']);
        var dayRange = (+upper - +lower) / MSday;
        if( dayRange < 190 && dayRange > 170 ){
            for(var n = 0; n < data.length; n++){
            var weekly = weeksFromDates(dataBackup[n].x,dataBackup[n].y);
            Plotly.restyle('myDiv',{x:[weekly.x],y: [weekly.y]},n);
          for(var n = 0; n < data.length; n++){
            Plotly.restyle('myDiv',{x:[dataBackup[n].x.slice()],y: [dataBackup[n].y.slice()]},n);
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js"></script>
    <div id="myDiv"><!-- Plotly chart will be drawn inside this DIV --></div>