Coursera ML Week 4
% Calculate the gradients of Weight2
% Derivative at Loss function J=L(Z) : dJ/dZ = (oi-yi)/oi(1-oi)
% Derivative at Sigmoid activation function dZ/dY = oi(1-oi)
delta_theta2 = oi - yi; % <--- (dJ/dZ) * (dZ/dY)
# Using +/plus NOT -/minus
Theta2_grad = Theta2_grad + <-------- Why plus(+)?
bsxfun(@times, hi, transpose(delta_theta2));
for i = 1:m
% i is training set index of X (including bias). X(i, :) is 401 data.
xi = X(i, :);
yi = Y(i, :);
% hi is the i th output of the hidden layer. H(i, :) is 26 data.
hi = H(i, :);
% oi is the i th output layer. O(i, :) is 10 data.
oi = O(i, :);
% Calculate the gradients of Theta2
delta_theta2 = oi - yi;
Theta2_grad = Theta2_grad + bsxfun(@times, hi, transpose(delta_theta2));
% Calculate the gradients of Theta1
% Derivative of g(z): g'(z)=g(z)(1-g(z)) where g(z) is sigmoid(H_NET).
dgz = (hi .* (1 - hi));
delta_theta1 = dgz .* sum(bsxfun(@times, Theta2, transpose(delta_theta2)));
% There is no input into H0, hence there is no theta for H0. Remove H0.
delta_theta1 = delta_theta1(2:end);
Theta1_grad = Theta1_grad + bsxfun(@times, xi, transpose(delta_theta1));